Define Christian Science. Christian Science synonyms, Christian Science pronunciation, Christian Science translation, English dictionary definition of Christian Science. n. The church and the religious system founded by Mary Baker Eddy, emphasizing heali
We should not be moved because of trendy beliefs from the world, and we should not act like false teachers who make the same mistakes as the Pharisees. Preachers need to aim for setting an example for the believers in faith and in purity. It is appropriate to guide believers by loving, ...
Though some Ancient Church Fathers of the first three centuries AD had Chiliast leanings, the Orthodox Church formally denounced Chiliasm at the Second Ecumenical Council, in 381 (Orthodox Christian Beliefs and Practices. © 2006-2007 Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada.
Which theory of the atonement suggests that Jesus' demonstration of love-in-dying is to be emulated by Christians? Exemplar The moral influence theory suggests that all Christians are now free from Satan's custody. T or F False What is the single feature agreed upon by the early church regar...
Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, was asked if Christian Scientists had a religious creed. She answered, “They have not, if by that term is meant doctrinal beliefs” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,pp. 496–497). She did provide a few tenets—or key poi...
CARM’s statement of faith is lengthy in order to establish a proper scope of beliefs within the organization and for those inquiring about it. Read the StatementLatest CARM Articles What is the recapitulation theory of the atonement? by Matt Slick | Jan 30, 2025 | Doctrine and Theology, ...
While there are various denominations that each bring their own unique perspective to the Christian faith (all of which are welcome here), there are some essential beliefs that define the boundaries of orthodoxy and what it means to “Think Christianly.” Authors on this site adhere to the his...
One of the most dangerous beliefs in the history of post-apostolic Christianity is the belief that "Jesus is coming soon." Nearly every page of the New Testament says that Christ's Second Coming was "near," and "at hand." Jesus said it would happen before that 1st-century generation died...
While all Christian traditions share certain beliefs about faith (e.g. human sin, salvation, Christ's atonement) and political life (e.g. limited government, human rights, the incompleteness and partiality of all political action) there are also profound differences. The authors discuss the ...
This term embraces a range of beliefs from Dynamic Monarchianism to Modal Monarchianism (Sabellianism, Patripassionism). Dynamic Monarchianism held that Jesus had been a mere man upon whom the Holy Spirit had descended, as described in the Mark gospel. God had adopted him, so those who ...