During this period, pluralism—and inclusivism—was growing in influence. For some, humanity became the center of mission. The Church, Jesus and God existed for the improvement of society. Missionary activities were to improve quality of life, but should “never violate the sanctity ...
He does not ask merely whether certain things are commanded or certain things forbidden. He studies to know his Father's will in all things. There are many Christians to-day who are doing things that are not pleasing to God, and leaving undone things which would be pleasing to God. When...
There have been independent, local-church, Bible-believing Christians throughout the last two millennia.) Does Bible knowledge matter in our chosen topic of manhood? Since God created man from the dust of the earth, we should consult the owner's manual. Now let me devote the next page or ...
The only true Christians are the ones that hate both gays and transgender people. The only true Christians are the ones Denny Burk approves of, the ones who (as it happens) walk in lockstep with Burk and the Nashville Statement’s other signers-on. Speaking of lockstep, it is a hell of...
“America is agriculturally abundant, wealthy, has world-wide influence and is a large importing nation via the sea. “An Educated Nation:‘A sword against the Babylonians!” declares the LORD! Against those who live in Babylon and against her officials and wise men! A sword against her.’...
No! -it was in fact satans defeat, because through Jesus' death on the cross we can be forgiven of our sins, if we desire to be. So we can readily see how God can and does transform evil into good. A spiritual battle must be fought with spiritual weapons ...