Traditionally -- although Calvinists have been technically correct in declaring that the full benefits of the atonement were intended only for the elect - both Calvinists and Arminians have tended to miss the point of John 3:16. That point has been beautifully summarized by Benjamin Warfield: ...
Science must triumph over material sense, and Truth over error, thus putting an end to the hypotheses involved in all false theories 27and practices. Question. — Is materiality the concomitant of spirit‐uality, and is material sense a necessary preliminary to 30the understanding and expres...
penance- a Catholic sacrament; repentance and confession and atonement and absolution anointing of the sick,extreme unction,last rites- a Catholic sacrament; a priest anoints a dying person with oil and prays for salvation holy order- the sacrament of ordination ...
The promises and pre-existing history of Israel had now come to fulfillment in this new community of love through God's action against humanity's sin to demonstrate the divine righteousness and to create a righteous world as expressed in different theories of atonement. ...
of integrity and honesty – and I don’t doubt that they’d be the first to tell you that medical science is not perfect – theories about cause and cure are constantly in flux; medications that help one person might kill another; what seems like “good medical practice” today might ...
Addresses the relationship between violence and Christianity by examining aspects of Christian theology. Families of atonement theories or images; Principle of retribution in atonement; Overview of narrative Christus ...
Despite the fact that the doctrine of atonement was never discussed openly in one of the church councils during the early Church, it is a doctrine that stirs up controversy in many theological circles. In its basic form, the atonement refers to the meaning of the sacrifice of Christ. There ...
The Glory of the Atonement: Biblical, Theological & Practical Perspectives The atonement is the crown jewel of Christian doctrine. And it is the responsibility of each generation of theologians to preserve its heritage, explore its facets and allow its radiance to illumine their day. With The Glor...
and so on. These rather artificial theories are all attempts to square an inadequate theology with the facts of God's world. They are thoroughly well intentioned and are to be welcomed as such. But in the end they are an anachronistic clinging to the husk of the old doctrine after its su...
Peter T. Chattaway The new series on Amazon Prime tells the story of Saul, a shepherd, and lots of giants. News When Down Under Churches Listen to Refugees, Part Two Amy Lewis Some Christians strive to make Australia “a more welcoming country, which we haven’t always been...