US Dollar to Chinese Yuan Exchange Rate is at a current level of 7.280, up from 7.263 the previous market day and up from 7.198 one year ago. This is a change of 0.24% from the previous market day and 1.14% from one year ago. ...
Market Trends of Chinese Gaming Industry Mobile Games Occupies the Largest Market Share The mobile games segment of the market is expected to witness significant demand during the forecast period due to the country's growing mobile population of gamers. The majority of players are concentrated in ...
This section covers the major market trends shaping the China Food Flavor & Enhancer Market according to our research experts: Natural Flavors Has an Increased Demand in the Market Natural flavors are substances that are extracted from plants, herbs and spices, fruits, vegetables, or microbial ferme...
Slower business activity in the local FeMo market continues to put pressure on the alloy prices, while raw material quotes are rising. So far, vanadium prices are stable. On May 14, spot prices for FeMo (60% Mo) fell by RMB 1,000/t to RMB 239,000-242,000/t ($48.68-49.3/kg Mo ...
COVID-19 and politics have reshaped the Chinese wine market. Online sales have emerged as a crucial driver of growth, with platforms like Douyin and influencer marketing strategies playing a pivotal role in capturing the growing digital market. ...
that may have business potential and can be valuable for further growth in China. Kevin Dai, Smart Path will present the audience with a cross-categories comparison and experiences from the market, and a helicopter view on the positioning of each category and development in online trends. ...
monitoring of market developments and trends at the national and international levels. 将在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划执行、监测和控制项目范围内开展监测活动,包括氟氯烃 淘汰管理计划中所有项目的执行;定期监测项目的执行和成果;编制有关项目成果的定期 报告,以便采取矫正行动;及时向执行委员会提供...
The growing trend of healthy living in China has had significant implications for the Chinese beverage market. As more and more...
Chinese Trends Shaping its Economy – Why China is turning into a Huge Market for Businesses: eAskme China is no more a country that has constrained itselfwithin the boundaries of the Great Wall of China. It is now openly coming out and capturing global markets,establishing bilateral trade tie...
In this piece, I will talk about emerging trends and share tips for all Western brands who want to do marketing in China in 2018. 1. Consider China’s hottest cities In order to enter and penetrate the market, it’s important to build a strong presence in first and second-tier citi...