This is the pull-up and chin-up station. 这个是引体向上器材。 ✎ Pull-up是正手引体向上,chin-up是反手引体向上。 On the left, you can just climb up and down it. 左边的那个,你就在上面爬爬吧。 Child: Yeah, let me try. 宝宝:好的,我试试。 I don't want to fall, though! 但是我可...
Compare that to a close-grip chin-up or a close-grip pullup where the elbows are forward in front of the body – you can’t get as much of that forceful adduction that demands more recruitment of the back. Additionally, there’s less overall elbow flexion required to complete a full ra...
This is an awesome upper body plyometric exercise, pull yourself up like a regular pull-up, but as you reach the peak of the pull you’re going to explosively finish the movement. Once you hit the explosive portion of the pull, let go of the bar and grab again lowering yourself in a ...
A chin-up/pull-up exercise apparatus is disclosed. The exercise apparatus includes a frame, an overhead assist module, and a chin bar. The chin bar is connected to the frame. The overhead assist module includes a set of pulleys, a harness, and a counter-weight. The set of pulleys, ...
Pull-Up Mistakes Chin-Up Muscles Worked Chin-Up Pros Chin-Up Cons Chin-Up Mistakes The Bottom Line When it comes to testing upper-body pulling strength, pull-ups are the gold standard. You can either muster the upper-body, core,grip strengthto pull your chin over the bar or you can't...
The pull-up and chin-up are different with respect tohow you grip the bar. Such a seemingly minor detail has a larger ripple effect on what these moves do for you — including the primary muscles you’ll be working and how experienced you need to be before successfully weaving each moveme...
你和宝宝说英语> 玩小区健身器材的亲子英文,引体向上是pull-up还是chin-up?玩小区健身器材的亲子英文,引体向上是pull-up还是chin-up? 2020-09-15 14:27:28 434 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 获取本节目完整文本,请关注公众号:你和宝宝说英语。在公众号回复健身器材,获取文本。 ◆ 能用健步机荡秋千吗? ◆扶、抓、...
Even if you're practically a fitness pro, you may still use “chinup” and “pullup” interchangeably to mean the same intense upper-body exercise. But, it turns out, they’re not synonyms after all. Still, they are related. In fact, a chinup is actually a variation of a pullup, ...
Pull-ups and chin-ups are regularly part of the debate. But are the differences between these exercises that great? Isn't the chin-up 'just' a variant of the pull-up? ...
同义词: pull-up / chin-up v. 1 raise oneself while hanging from one's hands until one's chin is level with the support bar 同义词: chin网络释义 引体向上 最后则是我原来的长项:引体向上(chin up),顺便复习一下英语。费力、勉强拉了9个,1个不算,成绩不合格,按教员要求,10个达标。 相关...