同义词: pull-up / chin-up v. 1 raise oneself while hanging from one's hands until one's chin is level with the support bar 同义词: chin网络释义 引体向上 最后则是我原来的长项:引体向上(chin up),顺便复习一下英语。费力、勉强拉了9个,1个不算,成绩不合格,按教员要求,10个达标。 相关...
Using an incomplete range of motion: Many people don't get their chests up to the bar all the way and don't lower their bodies all the way down to thedead hangposition. If you do pull-ups this way, you're not reaping the full muscle-building benefits of the exercise. If yo...
A chin-up/pull-up exercise apparatus is disclosed. The exercise apparatus includes a frame, an overhead assist module, and a chin bar. The chin bar is connected to the frame. The overhead assist module includes a set of pulleys, a harness, and a counter-weight. The set of pulleys, ...
When doing pull-ups, your biceps will get worked. But, pull-ups use elbow extension instead of supination. Therefore, if you want to focus on strengthening the biceps, chin-ups are the better option. Chin up Vs Pull up: Which one is better? Which type of exercise will make your muscle...
Sitting in the gym with sweat running down your face, you’re staring at your program, wondering why your next exercise is called a chin-up, yet last week it was called a pull-up? Let me bust your confusion! The only difference between the chin-up vs. pull-up is the hand position....
健身训练:引体向上(pull-up;chinning;chin (up);chin-up )#健身训练##引体向上##随手拍##京城24小时# 基本锻炼部位:背部、手臂、肩膀,重点锻炼部位背肌和手臂。引体向上,有时候简称引体,指依靠自身力量克服自身体重向上做功的垂吊练习。主要测试上肢肌肉力量的发展水平,以及臂力和腰腹力量,在完成一个完整的引体...
Mom: Let's go exercise at the outdoor gym!妈妈:咱们去玩小区健身器材吧!在英文中,小区健身器材区叫outdoor gym,即户外健身房。Child: Okay, let's start at this station over here.宝宝:好的,咱们先玩这边这个器材吧。 Mom: Okay.妈妈:好的。 Good choice.选得好。 It's called an air ...
This is the pull-up and chin-up station. 这个是引体向上器材。 Pull-up是正手引体向上,chin-up是反手引体向上。 On the left, you can just climb up and down it. 左边的那个,你就在上面爬爬吧。 Child: Yeah, let me try. 宝宝:好的,我试试。
Pull-ups and chin-ups are regularly part of the debate. But are the differences between these exercises that great? Isn't the chin-up 'just' a variant of the pull-up? ...
Chin up vs pull up: what's the difference, which muscles are worked and most importantly, what is the best one?