银轴:键程为1.2mm(比标准Cherry MX Red开关快40%),触发力度为45cN,保证具备5000 万次使用寿命。 绿轴:在cherry mx轴系列当中产量还会非常少,流通到市面上的绿轴就更加少了,其手感类和声音类似青轴,但按键力度比青轴要大,按键力度接近黑轴。适合不喜欢青轴软绵绵手感的人,同时喜欢青轴的人也可以用来更换青轴键盘...
K70 LUX RGB 具有 CHERRY® MX RGB Red 开关,采用重量轻的铝制底盘。启用 CUE 的高级照明控制和大字体的键帽,提供动态明亮的多色背光。 € 204.15EURCurrent price: €204.15 此物品有较新的型号: STRAFE RGB MK.2 Mechanical Gaming Keyboard — CHERRY® MX Red (UK) € 178.63...
品牌:-色号:030 40 60 使用声明:请注意色彩通色库显示的颜色及数值为模拟的屏幕色彩, 颜色显示在不同显示器上也有所区别。标准对色请以实物标准色卡为准。 030 40 60 颜色属性 RGB: 155,19,45 HEX: #9B132D CMYK: 25,91,78,19 中文名: 皇家樱桃红 英文名: Emperor cherry red 备注: RAL劳尔D9...
而Cherry此次推出全新的「MX Silent RGB RED机械轴」,能有效降低30%的按键噪音,MX Silent这系列会推出红与黑两款,在外型上MX Silent与一般的MX机械轴相同,主要差异在于十字轴心,MX Silent的十字轴心内,多了一个「Two-component tappets」的零件,此零件为热塑性弹性体(TPE)的材质,能够当作缓冲材质,降低十字轴触底...
/bin/bashcherryrgb_cli color-profile-file examples/static_rainbow.jsonforiin1 2 3 4 5;dosleep 0.5 cherryrgb_cli color-profile-file -k examples/white_f12.json sleep 0.5 cherryrgb_cli color-profile-file -k examples/red_f12.jsondone
The color cherry blossom pink with hexadecimal color code #ffb7c5 is a very light shade of pink-red. In the RGB color model #ffb7c5 is composed of 100.0% red, 71.76% green and 77.25% blue. In the HSL color space #ffb7c5 has a hue of 348° (degrees), 100% saturation and 86% ...
The hexadecimal color code #b52658 is a shade of pink. In the RGB color model #b52658 is composed of 70.98% red, 14.9% green and 34.51% blue. In the HSL color space #b52658 has a hue of 339° (degrees), 65% saturation and 43% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength ...
MX Speedy Red RGB Linear Key Switches MX2 SILVER SPEED Linear RGB Operating Force 45cN; Pre-Travel 1.2mm Operating Force 45cN Pre-Travel 1.2mm Similar to the MX SPEEDY SILVER RGB Gen1, but offers premium-grade lubricant, noise-reducing spring design, unique, spring-centering stem, diamond pol...
100% Cherry MX Red 按键开关 Cherry MX Red 按键开关有很大的作用区,可提供流畅、线性反应。 其灵敏反应让您可以进行完美的双击和三连击操作,不会产生按键音或触觉“碰撞”。 航空级黑色阳极化拉丝铝外壳 这款键盘美观、轻巧且坚固耐用,可满足您对高工作负荷的键盘的所有要求。
Cherry MX2A Switch SPEC Cherry MX Brown soft tactile switch Factory lubed Noise-reducing barrel spring design Diamond polished stem and spring guidance Glide-optimized stem guidance ribs short bounce time self-cleaning contacts switch resistant ...