K70 CORE SE RGB mechanische Gaming-Tastatur – Dark Cherry Blossom Die CORSAIR K70 CORE SE Gaming-Tastatur bietet ein überragendes Spielgefühl und macht Gaming und Tippen zu einem ganz besonderen Erlebnis mit Dark Cherry Blossom PBT-Tastenkappen und linearen CORSAIR MLX...
The hexadecimal RGB code of Dark Electric Blue color is #536878 and the decimal is rgb(83,104,120). The red-green-blue components are 53 (83) red, 68 (104) green and 78 (120) blue.
The hexadecimal RGB code of Dark Lava color is #483C32 and the decimal is rgb(72,60,50). The red-green-blue components are 48 (72) red, 3C (60) green and 32 (50) blue.
Light Code on Dark Background Like this: or… Dark Code on Light Background Like this: Those are just examples. Doesn’t have to be those exact syntax highlighting themes. But I believe all themes fall into those two categories.