Over 130 color schemes/themes for iTerm/iTerm2. Contribute to hexycc/iTerm2-Color-Schemes development by creating an account on GitHub.
jolly green#9CCB19 red delicious apple#9D1309 amethyst#9D6B84 canvas#9D8851 camo3#9DB68C burgundy#9E0508 gray62#9E9E9E blueviolet#9F5F9F latte#9F703A medium purple2#9F79EE khaki#9F9F5F slategray3#9FB6CD purple#A020F0 bing cherry#A02422 sienna (SVG)#A0522D gray63#A1A1...
limegreen (SVG)#32CD32 medium aquamarine3#32CD99 darkcherryred (Safe Hex3)#330000 cornflower (Safe Hex3)#3300FF gray20 (Safe Hex3)#333333 royalblue (Safe Hex3)#3333FF old money#337147 peacock#33A1C9 blue line#33A1DE parrotgreen (Safe Hex3)#33FF33 blue corn#344152 octopus#34...
Unfortunately, you’ll need to know the specific hex code of the color you want. Here are a few unique Valorant crosshair hex codes that you can use to jazz up your crosshair. Red Valorant Crosshair Hex Codes Red:#ff0000 Blood Red:#880808 Burgundy:#800020 Cherry:#D2042D Coral Pink:#F8...
cherrybstudio_cb65_via.hex cherrybstudio_cb87_via.hex cherrybstudio_cb87rgb_via.hex cherrybstudio_cb87v2_via.hex cheshire_curiosity_via.bin chickenman_ciel65_via.hex chickenman_ciel_via.hex chlx_lfn_merro60_via.hex chlx_merro60_via.hex chlx_ppr_merro60_via.hex chlx_str_merro60_vi...
Pink Color Code Pink is often described as light red, but pinks can really run the gamut – from baby pink to fluorescent pink. There are so many pinks that it can be hard to know where to start. We’re starting off with a traditional light pink represented by the #ffc0cb color hex...
git-cherry-pick(1) git-cherry(1) git-citool(1) git-clean(1) git-clone(1) git-commit-tree(1) git-commit(1) git-config(1) git-count-objects(1) git-credential-cache--daemon(1) git-credential-cache(1) git-credential-store(1) git-cvsexportcommit(1) git-cvsimport(1) git-cvsserver...
Cherry blossom color (Sakura-iro)#fcc9b9 Dust storm#e5ccc9 Intermediately Related Hot magenta#ff1dce Philippine gold#b17304 Opera Red#ff1b2d Ball blue#21abcd Dark coral#cd5b45 Distantly Related Rich black (FOGRA39)#010203 Rich black (FOGRA29)#010b13 Vampire black#080808 Smoky black#100c...
Cherry blossom pink#ffb7c5 Rusty red#da2c43 Melon#febaad Middle red purple#a55353 Distantly Related Rich black (FOGRA39)#010203 Vampire black#080808 Rich black (FOGRA29)#010b13 Smoky black#100c08 Licorice#1a1110 Color Schemes Download: CIELab CIELCHuv CAM16 JCh Okhsl JzCzHz HSL Monochroma...
品牌:-色号:030 40 60 使用声明:请注意色彩通色库显示的颜色及数值为模拟的屏幕色彩, 颜色显示在不同显示器上也有所区别。标准对色请以实物标准色卡为准。 030 40 60 颜色属性 RGB: 155,19,45 HEX: #9B132D CMYK: 25,91,78,19 中文名: 皇家樱桃红 英文名: Emperor cherry red 备注: RAL劳尔D9...