It’s a great way to help those with cancer for free. Today (Friday) I was finally able to get chemo. We will see how I tolerate this dose but the plan now is that rather than receiving my next Carbo/Gem in 14 days, I will get it in 11 days to get back on schedule. This ...
(Medicine)informalshort forchemotherapy Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 che•mo (ˈki moʊ) n.Informal. ...
Perhaps you’ve been told that chemotherapy was successful in treating your cancer and thatyou are now released to live your life.But what happens when the chemotherapy side effects remain with you?Chemo drugs are highly toxic, even at normal therapeutic doses. Brain fog, muscle weakness, neuro...
refuse. The Suicide Squad dispatched Chemo against the despot Imperiex in the 2001 crossover Our Worlds at War, and Chemo was dropped as a living bomb on the city of Blüdhaven in Batman #649 (2006). With its uncanny knack for regeneration, however, Chemo may be impossible to permanently ...
The brain cancer diagnosis was so grim for Rick Miller that he says a social worker told him to "get my affairs in order." Glioblastomas typically kill people in about 12 to 15 months. Ad But that was not the end of Miller's journey. He and his wife, Diana, took a trip from thei...
Many of our patients receive natural medicines as part of their cancer therapy. While we have data about interaction of natural medicines and standard chemo (like carboplatin alone), we do not have data for SEF chemo (carboplatin with mesna). Also, a review of several of our initial patients...
Results After repertorisation, we propose the following homeopathic protocol: Belladonna 15c, Phosphorus 15c, Cerebral cortex 4c and Nerves 4c, two pills of each medicine to be sucked together before breakfast, lunch and dinner, on each day of chemotherapy and for the following 2 days. Conclusion...
Cancer. “How much quality time do I have?” she asks, in German. “We don’t know for sure,” I say. “We know that people can survive for two weeks without food, on just water, but you’re not drinking much water either.” Unless I see evidence of some greater acceptance that...
(New for me.) ‘CACHEXIA’. This is the terrible ‘wasting disease’ caused by cancer. Cancer cells feed and suck the protein out of the healthy cells. NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WOULD EAT, even if you could, it would not matter. You starve to death. Being so passionate about food and...
Sprouts suitable as sources of cancer chemoprotectants are generally cruciferous sprouts (family Brassicaceae). Preferably the sprouts are Brassica oleracea ssp. selected from the group of varieties consisting of acephala (kale, collard, wild cabbage, curly kale), medullosa (marrowstem kale) ramose ...