Lipids Elements Characteristics Types Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen Lipids are an important source of stored energy Lipids make up essential steroid hormones Lipids help to insulate the body Types Fats Phospholipids Steroids - contains cholesterol Liver can manufacture cholesterol without a food source Prot...
Chapter 19 Lipids Chemistry 203 Lipids - Family of bimolecules. - They are not defined by a particular functional group,
Lipids, continued…. Fatty Acids: Monomers that make up most lipids. Composed of a long, straight hydrocarbon chain with a carboxyl group Carboxyl group: Hydrophilic, “water loving” Hydrocarbon chain: Hydrophobic, “water fearing” Types of Lipids Triglycerides Fats – Solid at room temperature O...
3.21 The hard skin of this cricket is made of a carbohydrate chitin. ◎chitin (幾丁質): 鍵串連葡萄醣(內含有N) 脂肪(Lipids) Lipids也是 C, H, O組成,但O的量較少,且一般不溶於水。俗稱是:Fats。 每個脂肪分子是由 glycerol (甘油) 和fatty acids (脂肪酸) 組成。甘油是3個碳的分子,也有...
of Inorganic Compounds H + O = H2O = Water H + Cl = HCl = Hydrochloric Acid Na + Cl = NaCl = Common Table Salt Examples of Organic Compounds (according to the arragement of their atoms) C, H + O Carbohydrates = Sugars, starches cellulose Lipids = Fats Oils C, H, O, N, ...
,There are three main types of food mo 3、lecules.,Proteins are chains of different amino acids.,Fats are made up of lipids. A lipid has a structure of three fatty acid molecules and a glycerol molecule.,Carbohydrates are chains of repeating molecules of glucose and other sugars.,Why do ...
Elementsoneofthe100+puresubstances thatmakeupeverythingintheuniverse AlltheyaredisplayedinthePeriodicTableoftheElements ExamplesofElements Note:ThefirstletterhastobeinCapitalletterandthesecondinlowercase C=Carbon Na=Sodium O=Oxygen Ca=Calcium H=Hydrogen K=Potassium N=Nitrogen I=Iodine ...
dopamine, histamine, noradrenaline, acetylcholine (muscarinic) Nucleotides Lipids Hormones Glutamate Ca++ Monoamines: Monoamines: pocket in TM helices Peptide hormones: top of TM helices + extracellular loops + N-terminal chain Hormones: extracellular loops + N-terminal chain Glutamate: N-terminal ...
Lipids Saturated and Unsaturated Lipids Saturated – every carbon is attached to another carbon with a single bond – it has the maximum # of Hydrogen atoms Unsaturated – If any of the C are bonded with a double bond, the fatty acid is unsaturated Polyunsaturated – If the fatty acid contai...
This macromolecule is mostly of carbon and hydrogen atoms. Lipids Found in biological membranes and waterproof coverings What is the function of lipids? Used to store energy Found in biological membranes and waterproof coverings What is the structure of a lipid in the lipid bilayer of the plasma ...