1.Energy storage (Fat) 2.Regulate body functions Steroids: Cholesterol, Hormones (testosterone & estrogen) Function of Lipids (cont.) 3. Provide structure: in cells & waxy coating on plants Saturated Fats Called triglyceride Hard & solid at room temp Ex. Meat, Dairy, Butter, Chocolate, Animal...
1. Lipid. - Organic compound used for long term energy 1. Lipid - Organic compound used for long term energy storage and makes up cell membranes. Contains carbon(C) and hydrogen(H) [fat, oil, wax]. 2. Atom- The smallest unit of an element. 3. Element-Basic building block of physica...
;Atoms;carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Dehydration synthesis: Monomers (micromolecules) ? polymers (macromolecules) Biological activity: different macromolecules ?larger complexes;Proteins;Antibodies ; enzymes; The structure of proteins is described in a hierarchy of four levels. sickle...
Peroxisomes of animal tissues specialize in the oxidation of very-long-chain fatty acids and branched fatty acids. In glyoxysomes, in germinating seeds, β oxidation is one step in the conversion of stored lipids into a variety of intermediates and products. ■ The reactions of ωoxidation, ...
Lipids are the second source of energy, which could be used when the primary source is exhausted or independently of the exhaustion of the primary source of energy. Proteins would be the ultimate organic compounds to which the cells would resort like an energy source because most proteins ...
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1.Carbohydrates2.Lipids3.Proteins4.NucleicAcids Macromolecule#1:Carbohydrates Sugarsandgroupsofsugars Purposes:energyandstructure Includesthreetypes:Monosaccharide(1sugar–quickenergy)Disaccharide(2sugars–shortstorage)Polysaccharide(manysugars–energy longstorage&formstructures)Macromolecule#1:Carbohydrates Polysaccharide...
Avitaminosis维生素缺乏症:beinglackofvitamin,obstacleofmetabolismdifferentvitamin,differentphysiologyfunction,differentsymptom 2020/9/21 4 Lipid-SolubleVitamins Thefourlipid-solublevitamins-A,D,E,andK类异戊二烯分子(异戊二烯构建分子生物合成)Althoughoneofthese,VitaminD,isultimatelyderivedfromcholesterol,Existedwiththe...
IntroductiontoBiochemistryWatersAminoAcidsandPrimaryStructuresofProteinsProteins:Three-DimensionalStructureandFunctionPropertiesofEnzymesMechanismsofEnzymesCarbohydratesLipidsandMembranesCoenzymesandVitamins Chapter1IntroductiontoBiochemistry 1.1Briefhistoryofbiochemistry1.2Whatarethequestionsfor biochemiststoanswer?1.3...