1.ClassificationofLipids ①GeneralclassificationSimplelipid:triacylglycerols(fats);waxCompoundlipid:glycerophospholipids(sphingophospholipids)GlycolipidDerivedlipid:substituenthydrocarbon;steroid;Terpene;Others:prostaglandins;VitaminA、D、E、K,etc.②SaponificationSaponifiablelipid:Unsaponifiablelipid:steroid,Terpene③...
LIPIDS Water-insoluble substances that can be extracted from cells by nonpolar organic solvents Characteristics of fat Hydrophobic because of nonpolar FA chain Lipids store large amounts of energy 9 kcal/gram due to energy rich fatty acid chain Outline Classification of FA and Nomenclature Digestion ...
and increase the palatability of food, hut for decades they have been at the center of controversy with respect to toxicity, obesity, and disease. 4.2 Definition and Classification of Lipids The consumer and the processor of foods utilize substances from the nutrient group known as fats and oils...
Chapter5 TheLipids: Triglycerides Phospholipids Sterols ObjectivesforChapter5 •Discusssynthesis,structures,classification, functionandmetabolismoflipids •Identifythedietarysourcesofthedifferent typesoflipids •Discusstheroleoflipoproteinintransport oflipids •Describetherelationshipoflipidstochronic diseases •...
Biosynthesis of Pregnenolone Steroid hormone synthesis from cholesterol side chain removed in mitochondria of steroidogenic tissues Desmolase is a cytochrome P-450 mixed-function oxidase (monooxygenase) 2 O2 introduce diols at C20, C22 3rd oxidation cleaves the C–C bond with ketone and aldehyde produ...
Chapter2Lipids Lipids:Achemicallydiversegroupofbiological compoundsthatareclassifiedtogetheronthebasisof theirgeneralnonpolarstructureandresultingpoor solubilityinwater. Functionoflipid Storagelipid;Structurallipid;Activelipid. 1.Polyunsaturatedfattyaciddevelopment. 2.Lipidsforhealthcareresearchanddevelopment- trans-fatty...
Considering the tannins present in spruce bark, their structure and characteristics have received recent attention and constitute about 10% in spruce bak [9]. A deeper dive into the chemical structure of tannins have allowed their classification into either simple or condensed tannins [10]. Any ...
or benzene. Classificationoflipids,basedontheirbackbone structures: Simplelipids: Acylglycerols,steroids,waxes. Complexlipids: phospholipids glycerophospholipids,sphingophospholipids. glycolipids glycosylglycerols,glycosphingolipids. Triacylglycerols(Triglycerides) •Fattyacidestersofthealcohol glycerolarecalled...
Microalgae produce two lipids: polar lipids as glycerophospholipids, which play a crucial role in cell structure, and non-polar lipids, such as triglycerides (TAGs), which are essential for energy storage. Long chains of fatty acids are found in structural lipids, which convert into polyunsaturated...