Chemical Properties of Epidermal Lipids, Especially Sphingolipids, of the Antarctic Minke Whale[J] . Keita Yunoki,Hajime Ishikawa,Yutaka Fukui,Masao Ohnishi. Lipids; . 2008 (2)YUNOKI K; ISHIKAWA H; FUKUI Y;.Chemical properties of epidermal lipids, especially sphingolipids, of the Antarctic ...
Lipids represent some of the most complex biological molecules, and their diversity is crucial for their cellular functions. The wide range of chemical and physical properties of different lipids determines a variety of roles for these compounds in biological processes. According to their structures, l...
However, the lipid properties of the marine mammal epidermis have not been examined in detail. We thus investigated the chemical composition of lipid components, especially sphingolipids, in the black epidermis (outer skin) of Antarctic minke whales (six mature and six immature specimens). Complex ...
Chemical properties of lipids油脂的化学性质
lipids. (English). Chemical and functional properties of food lipids. (English).Chemical and functional properties of food lipids. (English).EBSCO_AspGrasas Y Aceites
Lipids represent some of the most complex biologic molecules, and their diversity is crucial for their cellular functions. The wide range of chemical and physical properties of different lipids determines a variety of roles for these compounds in biologic processes. According to their structures, lipid...
It is important to understand the nature of the properties of marine lipids during their storage, handling, processing, and fortification into food or feed products in order to improve their potential use as ingredients. This Special Issue conducts research to increase the availability and consumption...
相关类别甘油酯;化工原料-塑料类;Fatty Acid Derivatives & Lipids;Glycerols Mol文件504-40-5.mol 结构式 1,3-硬脂酸甘油酯 性质 熔点78.5-79 °C(Solv: ethyl ether (60-29-7)) 沸点669.6±22.0 °C(Predicted) 密度0.923±0.06 g/cm3(Predicted) ...
Recent advances in nanoparticle systems for improved drug delivery display a great potential for the administration of active molecules. Generally, the lipid systems presented the advantage of their low toxicity due to their composition of physiological lipids compared to polymeric particles. The physico-...
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