出现Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed ISP. If you are using VPN, try disabling it.这种情况,要切换IP即可,亲测有效果。 11楼2023-11-10 19:59 收起回复 贴吧用户_Q2tJ5Et 图灵测试 1 同款问题,手机浏览器和电脑网页端打开都可以,唯独app闹情绪 12楼2023-11-12 20:59...
一招轻松解决! 随着ChatGPT的普及,各行各业的人都开始享受着AI带来的生产力了,也慢慢的发现在使用的过程中会遇到各种各样的问题,最最常见的就是你输入了很长一段内容,一个回车结果出现了:Something went wrong...这种问题真的会很让人狂抓!!!今天就给大家分享一下,如何来完美解决这个问题。请接着往下看 首...
1、前言 最近使用 ChatGPT 总是出现「Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.」,在生成时经常断掉,甚至一开始就生成不了,还得需要我们手动刷新页面… 频繁操作,很是烦扰,今天手把手解决 ChatGPT 挂掉的简单方法。 2、问题详细描述 当和Ch...
imaqine commented May 26, 2024 描述问题 无法使用chatgpt app,换v2rayN同一个节点正常使用chatgpt 日志 错误提示:Something went wrong. You may beconnected to a disallowed ISP. If you areusing VPN, try disabling it. Otherwise try adifferent Wi-Fi network or data connection.Author imaqine commented...
出现 into an issue while authenticating you一般都是IP出问题 解决方法:更换IP可解决 8、 chatGPT登录不成功,无限循环登录 出现 chatGPT登录不成功,无限循环登录基本上是官网目前使用人数过多导致服务器奔溃 解决方法:过段时间再试试或者反复多登录几次即可、换个节点。9、 Something went wrong 出现Something ...
You may see different versions of the “Something went wrong” error message on ChatGPT. Some of these error messages are written below:Advertisements Something went wrong. Please make sure your device has the latest version of Google Play. The above error message occurs on the ChatGPT Android...
使用ChatGPT 总是出现「Something went wrong」解决方案 1、前言 最近使用 ChatGPT 总是出现「Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.」,在生成时经常断掉,甚至一开始就生成不了,还得需要我们手动刷新页面…...
ChatGPT经常用着用着就出现 “Something went wrong” 错误,不管是普通账号还是Plus账号,不管是切换到哪个节点,没聊两次就报这个错,或者隔断时间没用重新回来也报这个错。 解决: 可以用一个浏览器插件来处理,它可以让你畅聊无阻,不刷新网页解决网络报错问题。插件是KeepChatGPT。
安装完成后进入app,输入账号密码登录,但尝试了好几次也登录不上去。输入完密码后如下图所示,一直提示Something went wrong. Please make sure your device's date and time are set properly. Check that your internet connection is stable, then restart the app and try again. ...
如何设置代理.还是换..Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed you are using ,,, try disabling it. Otherwise try a different Wi-Fi network or data connection.