出现Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed ISP. If you are using VPN, try disabling it.这种情况,要切换IP即可,亲测有效果。 11楼2023-11-10 19:59 收起回复 贴吧用户_Q2tJ5Et 图灵测试 1 同款问题,手机浏览器和电脑网页端打开都可以,唯独app闹情绪 12楼2023-11-12 20:59...
imaqine commented May 26, 2024 描述问题 无法使用chatgpt app,换v2rayN同一个节点正常使用chatgpt 日志 错误提示:Something went wrong. You may beconnected to a disallowed ISP. If you areusing VPN, try disabling it. Otherwise try adifferent Wi-Fi network or data connection.Author imaqine commented...
方案二:安装 Chrome 插件,让报错永远消失! ChatGPT 除了在使用时会报Something went wrong的错误外,还有其他问题要解决。 今天,给大家推荐一个近期在 GitHub 比较受欢迎的 ChatGPT 插件,让你一劳永逸,远离 ChatGPT 那频繁出现的报错信息。 这个能帮助你畅游 ChatGPT 的插件,就是KeepChatGPT。 GitHub:https://gi...
app端迄今为止依然运行的是旧版chatGPT4,而网页版已更新到chatGPT4V,即delle,代码解释器,浏览能力三合一版。 建议操作:不要频繁换节点登陆,防止被监测到异常,等待2小时后美国上班时间看官方公告有没有更新,如果有,那还好,过几个小时自己就解决了,如果没有,说明是梯子出问题了,建议准备好找下家或者自建。 ———...
Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed ISP. Since the ISP of the network you are connected to is disallowed by ChatGPT, you cannot use ChatGPT from that ISP. To fix this error, you need to connect to another internet connection. If you do not have another internet ...
如何设置代理.还是换..Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed you are using ,,, try disabling it. Otherwise try a different Wi-Fi network or data connection.
ISP block. Another error you might encounter is “Something went wrong. You may be connected to a disallowed ISP.” Your actual IP address leaking will cause the chatbot not to work if the service isn’t available in your country.
安装完成后进入app,输入账号密码登录,但尝试了好几次也登录不上去。输入完密码后如下图所示,一直提示Something went wrong. Please make sure your device's date and time are set properly. Check that your internet connection is stable, then restart the app and try again. ...
Oops!, something went wrong There could be a misconfiguration in the system or a service outage. We track these errorsautomatically, but if the problem persists feel free to contact us. Please try again. 图6.官方使用人数过多导致服务器崩溃,请过段时间再试试。
3. Oops!, something went wrong;4. 邮箱验证收不到验证码。5. 出现提示:Too many signups from the same IP。6. 出现提示:Thanks for submitting the form, you'll be notified when we're ready for you to try ChatGPT。7. SMS接收不到验证码。8. 出现提示:Error 429, You are being rate ...