something went wrong. please make sure your device's date and time are set properly 如下图: 登陆ChatGPT时遇到的报错 遇到这个问题后,我开始逐一开始排查这个问题。 因为我使用的是Hostease提供的CN2网络,并且之前也一直都可以登陆。因此首先排除这个原因。 其次可能是我的ChatGPT账户出现了问题,因此我尝试在...
这两天在登陆ChatGPT的时候,出现错误: something went wrong.please make sure your device's date and time aresetproperly 如下图: 登陆ChatGPT时遇到的报错 遇到这个问题后,我开始逐一开始排查这个问题。 因为我使用的是Hostease提供的CN2网络,并且之前也一直都可以登陆。因此首先排除这个原因。 其次可能是我的Ch...
安装完成后进入app,输入账号密码登录,但尝试了好几次也登录不上去。输入完密码后如下图所示,一直提示Something went wrong. Please make sure your device's date and time are set properly. Check that your internet connection is stable, then restart the app and try again. 问题详情图 2. 解决方案 开始...
笔者的手机型号是一加11。在登录ChatGPT时,出现了以下错误信息:“Something went wrong. Please make sure your device has the latest version of Google Play. dab175ac-eb38-4dee-a258-2f58cad71e88, (-1)”。尽管许多网上教程建议检查Google Play版本,但我在Google Play中已确认软件版本是最新的。 问题原...
安装完成后进入app,输入账号密码登录,但尝试了好几次也登录不上去。输入完密码后如下图所示,一直提示Something went wrong. Please make sure your device's date and time are set properly. Check that your internet connection is stable, then restart the app and try again. ...
something went wrong. please make sure your device's date and time are set properly 1. 如下图: 遇到这个问题后,我开始逐一开始排查这个问题。 因为我使用的是Hostease提供的CN2网络,并且之前也一直都可以登陆。因此首先排除这个原因。 其次可能是我的ChatGPT账户出现了问题,因此我尝试在iPhone上登陆我的账户...
第三,出现Something went wrong. Please make sure your device's date and time are set properly. ...
Only one message at a time. Please allow any other responses to complete before sendinganother message, 0iwait one minute.解决方法:可能账号之前的对话信息还没加载完,刷新一下页面试试可能这个号有其他人在用,换个节点,刷新页面尝试排除以上问题,剩下就是网络波动IP不稳定造成的注意:一个高质量的M法...
The exact prompt information is Something went wrong. Please make sure your device’s date and time areset properly. Check that your internet connection is stable, then restart the app and try again. (code: 86613C65-0F...
使用ChatGPT 总是出现「Something went wrong」解决方案 1、前言 最近使用 ChatGPT 总是出现「Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at」,在生成时经常断掉,甚至一开始就生成不了,还得需要我们手动刷新页面…...