'红霉素可以透过细菌细胞膜,在接近供位(p位)与细菌核糖体的50s亚基成可逆性结合,阻断转移核糖核酸(t-rna)结合在p位上,同时也阻断多肽链自受位(a位)至p位的转移,从而抑制细菌蛋白质合成.' 2.2封装为 class 构建 chatbot类 构建类的方法并不适合后面的模型导出和部署,仅供参考 chatbot class import json import...
quantize it into GGML models in a minute, and start serving. All you need is to replace the GGML model path with the Hugging Face model name or path.
"""If you are an expert in SQL, please generate a good SQL Query for Question based on the CREATE TABLE statement.""" messages = [(system_prompt, '')] print("===Welcome to InternLM2-chat-7b-sql chatbot, type 'exit' to exit.===") while True: input_text = ...
[NL2SQL基础系列(1):业界顶尖排行榜、权威测评数据集及LLM大模型(Spider vs BIRD)全面对比优劣分析[Text2SQL、Text2DSL]]([链接])
Accelerate Framework is automatically enabled on macOS. To disable it, add the CMake flag -DGGML_NO_ACCELERATE=ON. OpenBLAS OpenBLAS provides acceleration on CPU. Add the CMake flag -DGGML_OPENBLAS=ON to enable it. cmake -B build -DGGML_OPENBLAS=ON && cmake --build build -j cuBLAS cu...
使用简单的序列到序列的学习框架统一模态(跨模态、视觉、语言等模态)和任务(如图片生成、视觉定位、图片描述、图片分类、文本生成等),详见我们发表于 ICML 2022 的论文:OFA: Unifying Architectures, Tasks, and Modalities Through a Simple Sequence-to-Sequence Learning Framework,以及我们的官方 Github 仓库https:/...
使用简单的序列到序列的学习框架统一模态(跨模态、视觉、语言等模态)和任务(如图片生成、视觉定位、图片描述、图片分类、文本生成等),详见我们发表于 ICML 2022 的论文:OFA: Unifying Architectures, Tasks, and Modalities Through a Simple Sequence-to-Sequence Learning Framework,以及我们的官方 Github 仓库https:/...
"""If you are an expert in SQL, please generate a good SQL Query for Question based on the CREATE TABLE statement.""" messages = [(system_prompt, '')] print("===Welcome to InternLM2-chat-7b-sql chatbot, type 'exit' to exit.===") while True: input_text = ...
"Which shop is hiring the highest number of employees? | do you want the name of the shop ? | Yes"] } model = Model.from_pretrained(model_id) preprocessor = ConversationalTextToSqlPreprocessor(model_dir=model.model_dir) pipeline = pipeline( ...
Accelerate Framework is automatically enabled on macOS. To disable it, add the CMake flag -DGGML_NO_ACCELERATE=ON. OpenBLAS OpenBLAS provides acceleration on CPU. Add the CMake flag -DGGML_OPENBLAS=ON to enable it. cmake -B build -DGGML_OPENBLAS=ON && cmake --build build -j CUDA CUDA...