The relatively more severe yield losses for maize compared to wheat aligns with other comparative analyses in the literature. Reference37also found maize to be more sensitive to drought compared to wheat, partially due to the lengthening Anthesis Silking Interval (ASI) leading to asynchrony of anthe...
The relatively more severe yield losses for maize compared to wheat aligns with other comparative analyses in the literature. Reference37also found maize to be more sensitive to drought compared to wheat, partially due to the lengthening Anthesis Silking Interval (ASI) leading to asynchrony of anthe...
In such a long time, Chinese citizens already do not know what is the meaning of freedom because 他正确在很多案件! 当我去回到中国,我有困难时期发现办法使用Facebook! 并且很多外国网站不可能是开放的在中国! 中国媒介是沉重由政府控制的!! 在这样很长时间,中国公民已经不知道什么是自由的意思,因为他们从...
Forest management is highly intensive in Sweden, Finland, and southeast Norway, while forest areas have expanded at high latitudes (Fig. 1i-j). Annual (average 2001–2005) forest harvest areas in the three countries were around 13.2 Mha in Sweden, 10.6 Mha in Finland, and 1.8 Mha in ...
tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests and tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests96. Although the PREDICTS database is somewhat biased towards north temperate latitudes, under-represented biomes were specifically targeted during its compilation, so it has reasonable coverage of tropical an...
sub-tropics and decreases in low and middle clouds at mid-latitudes are the primary reasons for increasing ASR trends in the northern hemisphere (NH). These changes are especially large over the eastern and northern Pacific Ocean, and coincide with large increases in sea-surface temperature (SST...
Contrastingly, the cyclonic, the third most dominant pattern (12%), prevails over the northern latitudes as these centres of low-pressure systems move incessantly from west to east. The fourth and fifth most common types are the NE (9%) and N (8%) types. Their occurrence is higher around...
The reduction in physical activity was also larger for samples located at higher latitudes (37%; 90% CI, −1% to 89%) and for studies with a longer duration between physical activity assessments (25%; 90% CI, −0.5% to 58%). Conclusions and Relevance Children and adolescents have ...
Results based on transient simulations show that mean temperature increases mostly in mid-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere under 1.5 °C global warming4,5,6,7. Compared to the change of mean temperature, response of extreme events to global warming varies from region to region8,9,10...
In a review of the research literature on health effects of geomagnetic disturbances, Palmer et al. observed these “definite conclusions”: (1) Geomagnetic disturbances have a greater effect on humans at higher geomagnetic latitudes. (2) Unusually high values of geomagnetic activity (disturbance) ha...