Longitude: deg min sec Make a Shortcut to this Calculator on Your Home Screen? UTM to Latitude Longtude converter Degrees, Minutes and Seconds to Decimal units Converter Convert to decimal degrees. Latitude (degrees, minutes, seconds) Longitude (degrees, minutes, seconds) Latitude : (degrees) ...
Convert from UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator - coordinates to latitude and longitude coordinates. UTM Easting *) UTM Northing *) Zone Latitude : deg, or deg min sec Longitude: deg, or deg min sec *) Based on the WGS84 Datum - the calculator is valid for the northern hemisphere. Make...
经度和纬度(Longitude and latitude) latitude and longitude The change law of latitude is that the equator (0 degrees latitude) increases to the South and North poles. The greatest latitude is 90 degrees, at the South Pole and the North pole. The north of the equator latitude is called latitu...
Longitudes typically range from –180° to +180°, though you can also use ranges such as 0° to +360°. Adding or subtracting 360° to or from the longitude of a point does not change the position of the point. To convert longitudes from one range to another, use the wrapTo180, ...
经度和纬度(Longitudeandlatitude) latitudeandlongitude Thechangelawoflatitudeisthattheequator(0degrees latitude)increasestotheSouthandNorthpoles.Thegreatest latitudeis90degrees,attheSouthPoleandtheNorthpole. Thenorthoftheequatorlatitudeiscalledlatitude,with"N"; ...
Longitudes typically range from –180° to +180°, though you can also use ranges such as 0° to +360°. Adding or subtracting 360° to or from the longitude of a point does not change the position of the point. To convert longitudes from one range to another, use thewrapTo180,wrap...
Longitudes typically range from –180° to +180°, though you can also use ranges such as 0° to +360°. Adding or subtracting 360° to or from the longitude of a point does not change the position of the point. To convert longitudes from one range to another, use thewrapTo180,wrap...
Latitude and longitude are just used to pinpoint your location. Translating the earth to a map requires some sort of agreed-upon way to describe each spot. Take a look at this map: Obviously, that is a map of the earth. You can find the continents and can probably make a good try ...
Now that we have latitude and longitude in different cells, we can separate our data even further. We’ll want to divide the coordinates into individual columns for degrees, minutes, and seconds. This will come in handy for converting into decimals later. ...
If you are using the time format for latitude and longitude values, you will need to change the number format for those cells. By default, when you enter a time in a cell, Excel will use the Short Time format as specified in the Windows Regional Settings. Excel will "roll-over" times...