export: Updated default latitudes and longitudes for geography traits. This only applies if you are not using --lat-longs to override the built in mappings. #1449 (@trvrb) Bug Fixes validation: we no longer exit with a non-zero exit code when the requested validation mode is "warn" #144...
This is required because Cesium renders in native device resolution since 1.61.0. v7.6.10 Fixed error when opening a URL shared from an explorer tab. #3614 Resolve a bug with SdmxJsonCatalogItem's v2.0 where they were being redrawn when dimensions we're changed. #3659 Upgrades terriajs-...
Forest management is highly intensive in Sweden, Finland, and southeast Norway, while forest areas have expanded at high latitudes (Fig. 1i-j). Annual (average 2001–2005) forest harvest areas in the three countries were around 13.2 Mha in Sweden, 10.6 Mha in Finland, and 1.8 Mha in ...
This study has shown large regional differences in the changes of the length of the growing season, during the period 1982–1999 in Fennoscandia. It clearly indicates that the impact on length of growing season of global warming will be different dependi
Fixed a bug that was incorrectly clamping Latitudes in KML (s) to the range -PI..PI. Now correctly clamps to -PI/2..PI/2. Added CesiumMath.clampToLatitudeRange. A convenience function to clamp a passed radian angle to valid Latitudes. Added DebugCameraPrimitive to visualize the view frust...
All over the year, it was characterized by hot desert climates and typically found under the subtropical ridge in the lower middle latitudes, often between 20° and 33° north and south latitude. Also, this area characterized by stable descending air and high pressure aloft create hot, arid, ...
Fixed a bug that was incorrectly clamping Latitudes in KML (s) to the range -PI..PI. Now correctly clamps to -PI/2..PI/2. Added CesiumMath.clampToLatitudeRange. A convenience function to clamp a passed radian angle to valid Latitudes. Added DebugCameraPrimitive to visualize the view fr...
These zones have been recognised in southern and equatorial palaeolatitudes and initial results suggest that they may also be applied in high northern palaeolatitudes. By using this conodont zonation it is therefore possible to assess the global palaeoenvironmental changes associated with the P/Tr ...
geminata growth are expected to increase by 1.8°C and 1.6°C in A1B and A2 by 2050, respectively, and by 2100, they are expected to increase by 2.8°C in A1B and 3.6°C in A2 (global average standard). Precipitation is likely to increase at higher latitudes but decrease in ...
Currently, the strong northeastern winter monsoon, formed by cooling in the high latitudes of the Eurasian continent, lasts for almost six months (November to April), whereas the weaker southwest summer monsoon, accompanied by an increase in temperature over the continent, lasts for four months (...