Interfaces Enumerations Attributes Classes Interfaces Enumerations Attributes Assemblies Unity ChangeSets class in UnityEditor.VersionControl Leave feedback Description A list of the ChangeSet class.Did you find this page useful? Please give it a rating: Report a problem on this pageIs...
UnityEditor.AppleTV UnityEditor.AssetImporters UnityEditor.Build UnityEditor.Callbacks UnityEditor.Compilation UnityEditor.Connect UnityEditor.CrashReporting UnityEditor.DeviceSimulation UnityEditor.EditorTools UnityEditor.Embree UnityEditor.Events UnityEditor.Experimental UnityEditor.IMGUI UnityEditor.Inspector Unity...
檢視Visual Studio Tools for Unity、Windows 的變更記錄檔。 查看從 版到 版和更新版本的變更。
First, you have to open the Unity project. Create the Panel for your game. The panel will add text on the Scene view Click on the "GameObject" menu in the menu bar. Select UI and pick the "Text" option. The canvas will be added to the button. Import the Button icon. Drag n Drop...
目前我了解到使用Mono做脚本的只有Unity和SecondLife, SpringEngine也有个扩展实现...所组成, 如Mesh/Physics/Audio/Script等等脚本都是从MonoBehaviour派生的一个实现, 在其中实现上层定义的各种接口, 如Start/Update等脚本中定义的变量会...
UnityEditor.Profiling.Memory Other EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode public static bool isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode ; 描述 编辑器当前是处于播放模式,还是即将切换到该模式?(只读) 如果编辑器将在完成某些任务后(例如,在重新编译脚本之后)切换到播放模式,此属性将返回 true。另请参阅:isPl...
Version:2017.1 语言:中文 EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck public static boolEndChangeCheck(); 返回 bool如果 GUI.changed 已设置为 true,则为 true;否则为 false。 描述 结束由 BeginChangeCheck () 开始的更改检查。 另请参阅:BeginChangeCheck。
Another plus point is that it just works properly every time you double click a script in Unity. It always opens the Notepad++ in no time and displays the script properly. Con The only downside of Notepad++ is that this little code help window is not that perfect. It can be enabled at...
Unity 2019.3 Unity 2020.3 Unity 2021.3 Unity 2022.2 Full documentation is available here Few things to have in mind, limitations: most limitations can be overcome with User Defined Script Overrides (see docs for more info) Generic methods and classes won't be Hot-Reloaded ...
using UnityEditor;public class ExampleWindow : EditorWindow { float sliderValue = 0; string labelText = "-"; [MenuItem("Window/Example Window")] static void Init() { var example = (ExampleWindow)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ExampleWindow)); example.Show(); } void OnGUI() { EditorGUILa...