NOTE:Most of the SOLIDWORKS API functions operate in meters. Thus, if you pass in XValue_Passed = 2.0 and your model units are millimeters, then it appears as a 2000.0 in the model. If you need to determine the units used in the model, you can use the IModelDoc2::LengthUnit propert...
Name) ' Select sketch ' Put the sketch in edit mode ' Select a dimension in the sketch status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Sketch8", "SKETCH", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0) swModel.EditSketch() swModel.ClearSelection2(True) status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("D4...
InsertLeader(Coordinates2, Width, myNote2); //Get DimensionStyleUserData for DSUserData Leader DimensionStyleUserData dsDimStyleUserData; dsDimStyleUserData = dsLeader.GetDimensionStyleUserData(); //Zoom to fit dsApp.Zoom(dsZoomRange_e.dsZoomRange_Fit, null, null); //Examine the ...
Per modificare la posizione o le dimensioni di un profilo: Selezionare il profilo. Il puntatore si trasforma in quando si trova sul profilo del dettaglio. Trascinare il punto centrale per modificare la posizione, oppure trascinare un lato per modificare le ...
La scala Vista di dettaglio viene visualizzata nella nota se la relativa scala è diversa da quella del foglio. Argomento principaleModifica di una vista di dettaglio Modifica della posizione o delle dimensioni di un profilo Cambio del profilo modificando lo schizzo ...
This example shows how to change a dimension value in a model. NOTE: Most of the SOLIDWORKS API functions operate in meters. Thus, if you pass in XValue_Passed = 2.0 and your model units are millimeters, then it appears as a 2000.0 in the model. If you need to determine the units ...
Change Dimension Example (C#) This example shows how to change a dimension value in a model. NOTE: Most of the SOLIDWORKS API functions operate in meters. Thus, if you pass in XValue_Passed = 2.0 and your model units are millimeters, then it appears as a 2000.0 in the model. If you...
Change Dimension Example (C#) This example shows how to change a dimension value in a model. NOTE: Most of the SOLIDWORKS API functions operate in meters. Thus, if you pass in XValue_Passed = 2.0 and your model units are millimeters, then it appears as a 2000.0 in the model. If you...
Change Dimension Example (C#) This example shows how to change a dimension value in a model. NOTE: Most of the SOLIDWORKS API functions operate in meters. Thus, if you pass in XValue_Passed = 2.0 and your model units are millimeters, then it appears as a 2000.0 in the model. If you...
(DimensionTolerance);boolstatus =false;stringfileName =null;interrors = 0;intwarnings = 0;// Open part document with multiple configurationsfileName ="C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\PDMWorks\\speaker_frame.sldprt"; swModel = (ModelDoc2)...