If a part has several configurations, you can decide whether changes to a dimension affect one configuration, all configurations, or selected configurations. To specify configurations affected by a change in dimensions: Select the Dimension View in the Equations dialog box. Edit the Value/Equations...
ActiveConfiguration; Debug.Print("Configuration name: " + swConfiguration.Name); // Select sketch // Put the sketch in edit mode // Select a dimension in the sketch status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Sketch8", "SKETCH", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0); swModel.EditSketch(...
When this option is checked, any modified dimension will be temporarily shown in orange (default color) when a drawing opens. Example: In the model shown in Figure 40, we will change one dimension from 70mm to 90mm and rebuild the part. Figure 40. Upon opening and updating the drawing, a...
Configuration material change updating other configurations SOLIDWORKS User Forum 1 day ago API / Macro: Suppress warning when renaming "component name" SOLIDWORKS User Forum 1 day ago How do I turn off the Orange Triad in Assys SOLIDWORKS User Forum ...
referencedimension参照尺寸Adimensioninadrawingthatshowsthe工程图中的尺寸,显示项目丈量,但不可以驱动 measurementofanitem,butcannotdrivethemodel模型,且其数值不可以被改正。当模型尺寸改正 anditsvaluecannotbemodified.Whenmodel时,参照尺寸更新。 dimensionschange,referencedimensionsupdate. referencegeometry参照几何体...
Once a design change is proposed, each engineering discipline has to re-evaluate the performance of the new design. However, if the engineering model has to be regenerated from scratch, then the effort previously spent in model creation is wasted. Therefore, a mechanism for retaining the mapping...
Instead, dimensions are used to change the size and shape of the model. Dimension sketch entities and other objects with the Smart Dimension tool from the Sketch toolbar. The type of dimension is determined by the items which you select. Example: Q If you select a line, the system creates...
There is an option to enable or disable the recording object in this screen in case you need to make this change later. After a raytrace is complete, click on the "Show/Hide recorders" button in the Photopia CommandManager to display all recorders in the CAD view. The "Recording surface ...
equation 方程式 Createsamathematicalrelationbetweensketch 使用如变量之类的尺寸名称在草图尺寸之间, dimensions,usingdimensionnamesasvariables, o或在特征参数之间(如拉伸特征的深度,或阵 betweenfeatureparameters,suchasthedepthof a列中的实例个数)生成数学关系。 extrudedfeatureortheinstaneecountinapattern . exploded...