This example shows how to change the dimension tolerance in one configuration in a multi-configuration part. //---// Preconditions:// 1. Ensure that the specified part document exists.// 2. Open the Immediate window.// 3. Run the macro./// Postconditions:// 1. Opens specified...
Modify In the graphics area, double-click the dimension, change the value in the Modify dialog box, and select one of the following (these options are only available if there is more than one configuration in the model): This Configuration All Configuration Specify Configuration ...
referencedimension参照尺寸Adimensioninadrawingthatshowsthe工程图中的尺寸,显示项目丈量,但不可以驱动 measurementofanitem,butcannotdrivethemodel模型,且其数值不可以被改正。当模型尺寸改正 anditsvaluecannotbemodified.Whenmodel时,参照尺寸更新。 dimensionschange,referencedimensionsupdate. referencegeometry参照几何体...
Instead, dimensions are used to change the size and shape of the model. Dimension sketch entities and other objects with the Smart Dimension tool from the Sketch toolbar. The type of dimension is determined by the items which you select. Example: Q If you select a line, the system creates...
Once a design change is proposed, each engineering discipline has to re-evaluate the performance of the new design. However, if the engineering model has to be regenerated from scratch, then the effort previously spent in model creation is wasted. Therefore, a mechanism for retaining the mapping...
这是2018版 自带帮助文件的API例子中文导航,如果有错误的,请指出来 时间原因,我没有一一测试,只是大概过滤了一下。 共计750个例 子: 中文标题Web Link将绘图表缩放到窗口中的最大尺寸Zoom_Drawing_Sheet_to_Maximum_Size_in_Win
equati on方程式Creates a mathematical relation between sketch dimensions, using dimension names as variables, or between feature parameters, such as the depth of an extruded feature or the in sta nee count in a p atter n.使用如变量之类的尺寸名称在草图尺寸之间,或在 特征参数之间(如拉伸特征的深度...
equation 方程式 Createsamathematicalrelationbetweensketch 使用如变量之类的尺寸名称在草图尺寸之间, dimensions,usingdimensionnamesasvariables, o或在特征参数之间(如拉伸特征的深度,或阵 betweenfeatureparameters,suchasthedepthof a列中的实例个数)生成数学关系。 extrudedfeatureortheinstaneecountinapattern . exploded...