referencedimension参照尺寸Adimensioninadrawingthatshowsthe工程图中的尺寸,显示项目丈量,但不可以驱动 measurementofanitem,butcannotdrivethemodel模型,且其数值不可以被改正。当模型尺寸改正 anditsvaluecannotbemodified.Whenmodel时,参照尺寸更新。 dimensionschange,referencedimensionsupdate. referencegeometry参照几何体...
change a system or document setting in the user interface whilerecording a macro. Then edit the macro to identify the name and value of the enumerator that corresponds to the setting you just changed and to also identify the name of the method used to change (i.e., set) it. ...
Change the dimension to 8mm in the menu. Click on OK. Step 46: Click on ‘Features’ in the CommandManager and next on ‘Extruded Boss/Base’. Step 47: Drag the arrows in the model to a length of 48mm. Of course, you can also do this by filling in the dimension of 48 in the ...
Upon opening and updating the drawing, any modified dimension is shown in orange. Notice that not only the 90mm dimension is highlighted, but also the 185 mm one. Is the second change correct? Maybe not, but at least we were warned. Figure 41. If you hover over the text of an orange...
When you select a new current dimension style, all commands that add dimensions to the active file use this style. Dimensions you update by clicking Modify > Update Dimension change to the new current dimension style. Define dimension styles for each document. The list of available styles can ...
You can change the size of each window. 1 Move the cursor along the edge of a window until the shape of the cursor appears to be a two-headed arrow. 2 While the cursor still appears to be a two-headed arrow, hold down the left mouse button and drag the window to a different size...
Change the size of the feature by double clicking on it and setting the 20mm rib width dimension to 10mm. Rebuild the model. 10 File the part. What's New in SolidWorks 98Plus Creating Your Own Forming Tools You can create your own forming tools by following the methods used in creating ...
6、on, and then generate a mirror line9, you can hold down the ctrl key and drag a reference surface to copy an equidistant datum plane quickly, then double-click the mouse on this base plane to precisely specify the distance size.10 you can change the order of features in the featurema...
This also explains why you many sometimes see that a zeroGap range for bondingproduces the bonding that you want, but as soon as you change something (mesh settings, dimensions of model, etc.) the behavior is different. After refining the mesh a...
Three types of dynamic loads are (1) time-dependent acceleration or load, (2) a load or acceleration with frequency change, and (3) nondeterministic excitation including random vibration expressed by a power spectrum density (PSD) curve. Thermal Analysis Thermal analysis is to analyze a solid ...