The following in your preamble replaces your 'v's in mathmode with the \varv symbol in the output. \DeclareMathSymbol{v}{\mathord}{lettersA}{51} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \DeclareMathSymbol{v}{\mathord}{lettersA}{51} \begin{docu...
9 Set math and text fonts independently in Beamer (using PDFLaTeX) 8 siunitx 'detect-all' does not honor fontspec's math font in Beamer 2 How do I use a font package but keep math font unchanged? 1 DeclareMathOperator not displayed in math font with Beamer 1 Change the font in ...
The string must represent a color in HTML." }, "latex-workshop.synctex.path": { "type": "string", "default": "synctex", "markdownDescription": "Define the location of SyncTeX executive file.\nAdditional arguments, e.g., synctex modes and position of click, will be appended ...
You can see that when you use tibbles from tidyverse: they use some very limited formatting (like showing “NA” in red). I ended up writing a new package, colorDF. The package defines a new class of data frames, but it really does not change their behavior – just the way they are...
<type name="VkColorSpaceKHR" category="enum"/> @@ -2623,6 +2624,11 @@ private version is maintained in the 1.0 branch of the member gitlab server. <member><type>int</type> <name>format</name></member> <member><type>int</type> <name>usage</name></member> </type> <type categ...
1以Great Changes in My Hometown 为题,按要求写一篇短文,介绍自己家乡的变化.要求:1.概括家乡的变化情况;2.具体描述家乡在哪些方面取得了发展;3.你对家乡变化的感受;4.60~80个单词. 2.fAMS,.fI,.fM,.fS1,.fS2,.fS3,.fS4,.mathFont{font-family:afanti_latex_font;font-weight:400;font-style:normal}....
Bug Fix: Legend positioning could be slightly off in certain circumstances. Bug Fix: The legend font color could overwrite the marker border color when a plotAdd occurred. Bug Fix: Use current encoding when doing token matching in the editor. Bug Fix: macOS update was not removing existing vw...
Assuming you're using the amsthm theorem package, you could proceed along the lines shown in the code below. It creates automatic hanging indentation by (a) defining a suitable macro (called \hangit) that sets the values of the parameters \hangindent and \hangafter and (b) arranging for ...
The range of the color is limited by TeX groups. Curly braces have a side effect of creating a sub formula in math mode, which affects the horizontal spacing, therefore \begingroup and \endgroup is used without that side effect: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{amsmath...
Change font to “Times New Roman” in math mode (e.g., $ equation $) in PDFLaTeXAsk Question Asked 8 years, 3 months ago Modified 8 years, 3 months ago Viewed 2k times 2 I would like to have a unique font (Times New Roman or an equivalent one) for both text ...