As an alternative to changing the background color you may easily change the highlighting colors by altering the file ~/.TeXworks/configuration/syntax-patterns.txt: [LaTeX] # special characters orangered N [\$#\^_\{\}&] # LaTeX environments lightseagreen N \\(?:begin|end)\s*\{[^...
1 Toggle border links in table of contents 1 Change text color of ToC entries in LyX 41 How to change the color of ONLY Table of Contents from red to black? 4 Set color to hyperlink except in the Table of Contents 3 Page number before Chapter title in the Table of C...
This is a document to practice tweaking a class file for the first time, using the example of setting up the possibility of changing the colour theme of the ...
There are various ways to highlight a text. Let’s divide this section into two parts to explain the approaches to highlighting a text in LaTeX. 1. Highlight a Text To simply highlight a text, use the {xcolor, soul} \usepackage, \sethcolour, and \hl source codes as shown in the f...
The great thing about paint is it can transform a room, add colour and creativity to crafts, and is generally easy to use. That’s why adults and children alike love to use it, whether for a re-decorating project or simply having fun. But when paint stains are left on carpets, the ...
Vim over SSH problem when connecting from a RHEL 8 to a remote macOS Sonoma Is the southern hemisphere colder than the northern one or is it just me? Trim spaces off end of a TeX command argument Issues with Customizing Row Heights and Centering in LaTeX Tables Every ...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
Don't be tempted to reach for a bobble whilst letting your dye soak, this can cause uneven colour where the hair is squeezed together. If you want to contain your hair whilst you get on with making the dinner or putting your feet up, try and loosely close it in a shower cap, but ...
Imagine how you can change the surface of the shape, colour and material are not that crucial. There are many ways to make it look completely different without actually changing the shape. The Simple Design Principle I looked at the shape of this one that I obtained with a lamp shade (the...
You can start a bedtime routine whenever you want, but as babies grow their sleep habits start to change. Their sleep patterns start to become more regular from around three months, so this can be a good time to start a bedtime routine. Staying consistent with this routine each night will...