TeXstudio里自带的宏包changes可以很方便的实现修订痕迹保留,以及前后版本对比。 整体演示代码如下所示: \documentclass{article}\usepackage{changes}%使用changes宏包%\usepackage[final]{changes} %禁用修订,输出最终修订完成的版本\definechangesauthor[name={Author1}, color=red]{A1}%修订作者1\definechangesauthor...
\usepackage{changes}\usepackage{lipsum}% <- For dummy text\definechangesauthor[name={David J.W. Hu}, color=blue]{david} 这里我添加了一个作者名为david的作者标识,等会使用这个配置来标明修改作者。 接着,对论文正文做一些修改,比如替换(replaced),增加注释(added), 如下: \added{(If matched, perfo...
to change the colour of elements in\LaTeX.\begin{itemize}\color{ForestGreen}\item First item\item Second item\end{itemize}\noindent{\color{RubineRed}\rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm}} The background colour of some text can also be\textcolor{red}{easily} set. For instance, you can change to orang...
70!} \colorlet{Mycolor1}{green!10!orange!90!} \definecolor{Mycolor2}{HTML}{00F9DE} \begin{document} This document present several examples on how to use the \texttt{color} package to change the colour of elements in \LaTeX
{\color{Blue}x^2}+{\color{Brown}2x} -{\color{OliveGreen}1}x_{\color{Maroon}1,2}=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{{\color{Maroon}b^2-4ac}}}{2a}小型数学公式当要把分数等公式放进文字中的时候,我们需要使用小型的数学公式。苹果原产于欧洲和中亚细亚。哈萨克的阿拉木图与新疆阿力麻里有苹果城的美誉。中国...
Add a config intellisense.update.aggressive.enabled to disable parsing on text change. (#1504) Add a latexmk(rc) recipe. Changed (#1647) Syntax parsing is now done in a separate thread. Typing lag should be resolved. Fixed (#1555) Use caption of the main figure for outline. [8.0.7] ...
Add a config intellisense.update.aggressive.enabled to disable parsing on text change. (#1504) Add a latexmk(rc) recipe. Changed (#1647) Syntax parsing is now done in a separate thread. Typing lag should be resolved. Fixed (#1555) Use caption of the main figure for outline. [8.0...
颜色 小型数学公式 强制使用PNG 函数、符号及特殊字符 声调 函数 同余 微分 集合 逻辑 根号 关系符号 几何符号 箭头符号 特殊符号 上标、下标及 积分 等 分数 、 矩阵 和多行列式 字体 希腊字母 斜体小写希腊字母一般用于在方程中显示变量。 正体希腊字母
\change[editor]{Text to remove}{Text to add} \refneeded[editor]{Text} \noindent\\ In all cases [editor] can be ommitted. All of the TrackChanges commands allow for the specification of an editor. Specifing an editor will prefix the edits with the editor name and color code their chang...