class in UnityEditor描述 检查代码块中是否有任何控件被更改。当需要检查 GUI.changed 是否在代码块中设置为 true 时,请按如下方式将代码封装在 ChangeCheckScope 中:class ExampleClass { void ExampleMethod() { using (var check = new ChangeCheckScope()) { // Block of code with controls // that ...
UnityEditor UnityEngine Other EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck public static void BeginChangeCheck (); 描述 检查代码块中是否有任何控件被更改。 当需要检查 GUI.changed 是否在代码块中设置为 true 时,请按如下方式将代码封装在 BeginChangeCheck () 和 EndChangeCheck () 中: EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck ();...
Going forward please use the latest Visual Studio Editor package in your projects (Unity > Window > Package Manager) and make sure Visual Studio 2022 is set as your preferred code editor (Unity > Edit > Preferences > External Tools). Updated Unity messages to 2020.3.9f1....
Example 2: Setting a control value through codeusing UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; public class ChangeEventTestWindow : EditorWindow { private Toggle m_MyToggle; [MenuItem("Window/UI Toolkit/Change Event Test Window")] public static void ShowExample() { GetWindow...
I would like to display Unity in its professional/ dark theme. I would like to display Unity in its Personal/ light theme. I have upgraded to Unity Plus/ Pro/ Enterprise but the Editor is still in the light theme. I am a free/ Personal user but the option to change my Editor theme...
Another plus point is that it just works properly every time you double click a script in Unity. It always opens the Notepad++ in no time and displays the script properly. Con The only downside of Notepad++ is that this little code help window is not that perfect. It can be enabled at...
檢視Visual Studio Tools for Unity 的變更記錄,Windows。 查看來自 版到 版和更高版本的變更。
檢視Visual Studio Tools for Unity 的變更記錄,Windows。 查看來自 版到 版和更高版本的變更。
檢視Visual Studio Tools for Unity 的變更記錄,Windows。 查看來自 版到 版和更高版本的變更。
UnityEditor.Analytics UnityEditor.Android UnityEditor.AnimatedValues UnityEditor.Animations UnityEditor.AppleTV UnityEditor.AssetImporters UnityEditor.Build UnityEditor.Callbacks UnityEditor.Compilation UnityEditor.Connect UnityEditor.CrashReporting UnityEditor.DeviceSimulation UnityEditor.EditorTools UnityEditor.Embree...