using UnityEditor;[CustomEditor(typeof(DialogueSO))]publicclassDialogueSOEditor:Editor{ private DialogueSO _selectSO; privatebool_showDictionary =true; privatestring_statusStr ="节点字典"; privatevoidOnEnable(){ _selectSO = target as DialogueSO; } public overridevoidOnInspectorGUI(){ base.OnInspect...
I would like to display Unity in its Personal/ light theme. I have upgraded to Unity Plus/ Pro/ Enterprise but the Editor is still in the light theme. I am a free/ Personal user but the option to change my Editor theme is grayed out. Cause: As of Unity 2019.4.8, the Dark Editor ...
OnUpdate(TweenCallback callback) //设置一个回调,每次动画有更新的时候触发这个回调 transform.DOMoveX(4, 1).OnUpdate(MyCallback); OnWaypointChange(TweenCallback callback) //设置一个回调,该回调将在当前路径之间的路径更改时触发。这是一个特殊的回调,与其他回调相反,需要接受一个类型的参数。int(这将...
The Clean Cache button ensures that the Editor releases all references to the files on disk before they’re deleted. Cache size is 显示当前缓存大小。 Cache Folder Location 显示当前缓存文件夹的位置。Package ManagerUse the Package Manager preferences to change the default cache location for the ...
UnityEditor UnityEngine Other EditorWindow.OnSelectionChange() 説明 選択が変更されるたび呼び出されます Saves the current selection and load it later with a simple click. // Simple example that lets you save the current selection and load it.using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using ...
Editor Scripting can help you customize and extend the Unity editor to make it easier to use on your projects. This tutorial covers the basics of editor scripting, including building custom inspectors, gizmos, and other Editor windows.
using UnityEditor;publicclassImporterExample:AssetPostprocessor{privatevoidOnPreprocessTexture(){varimporter=assetImporterasTextureImporter;// Read/Write settings, etc. are also possible.importer.isReadable=false;varsettings=newTextureImporterPlatformSettings();// Specify Android = "Android", PC = "Standalo...
PlayingOrWillChangePlayMode } } 然后在另一个脚本中继承这个类,并重载Start和Update等方法,在这些方法中实现后台逻辑,就可以后台更新了。 usingUnityEngine;usingSystem.Collections;publicclassUpdaterTest :EditorMonoBehaviour {publicoverridevoidUpdate ()
已為非行為類型(如 Editor 或 EditorWindow)新增 Unity 訊息支援。 切換至 Roslyn 以插入和格式化 Unity 訊息。錯誤修正調試程式: 已修正評估泛型類型時 Unity 當機的錯誤。 已修正可為空值類型的處理。 已修正列舉處理方法。 已修正巢狀成員類型的處理。 修正了集合索引器的存取問題。 已修正 C# 新編譯器對反覆...
Editor Extensions, this can be skipped. */PlayFabSettings.staticSettings.TitleId ="42"; }varrequest =newLoginWithCustomIDRequest { CustomId ="GettingStartedGuide", CreateAccount =true}; PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithCustomID(request, OnLoginSuccess, OnLoginFailure); }privatevoidOnLoginSuccess(Login...