Privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA have significantly impacted social media marketing by restricting how marketers can collect and use personal data for targeting ads. These regulations require marketers to be more transparent about data usage, obtain explicit consent, and implement privacy-friendly s...
Social media growth represents an opportunity for business based on information sharing, but also complicates the work of marketing managers who need to be ready to deal with current issues in this field. This article highlights eight areas within social media marketing that create difficult ...
The study provides insight into existing challenges for social marketing, classified into three key themes according to their position within or outside of the discipline: 1) poor branding of the discipline as an internal challenge, 2) competing disciplines as an external challenge, and 3) overall...
Ready to tackle the biggest social media marketing challenges? If you’ve been struggling to keep your social media strategy agile and up to date, you’re definitely not alone. Competition for attention on social media is tougher than ever. New social networks are changing how we create content...
This presents a new challenge for site management. The purpose of the paper is to investigate managerial perspectives of the visitors experience and consider how visitors can benefit from the overall experience. Initially the paper provides a review of dark tourism concepts, and applies the ...
Social media marketing global challenges for marketers 2023 Published byStatista Research Department,Nov 13, 2023 As of April 2023, social media marketers worldwide pointed towards the identification and response to emerging trends and topics as the leading challenge in their industry, with almost half...
Social media marketing might seem simple at the outset, but can be quite challenging once you actually learn the nuances. Most popular social media platforms have millions of users, a good share of which are businesses. The growing number of brands, marketers, and influencers on social media ...
marketingsmall restaurantssocial mediaThe purpose of this study is to explore the adoption, challenges, and current uses of social media in small restaurants. Past research in this area is scarce, and most focuses on larger establishments. To address the research objectives, 20 small restaurants in...
A Conceptual Topic in Marketing Management: The Emerging Need for Protecting and Managing Brand Equity: The Case of Online Consumer Brand Boycotts. The emergence of social media platforms has expanded the communications reach of consumers who have become increasingly vocal through boycotts about the ...
This chapter draws from both moral philosophy and recent examples of social marketing campaigns to discuss ethical challenges that social marketers may encounter in their work. In doing so we highlight that both the overall 'social good' being pursued and the communication methods and techniques used...