Speech Therapy:开启语言障碍者的新世界 Speech Therapy的定义与基本概念 言语治疗(Speech Therapy),作为康复医学不可或缺的一部分,专注于对语言障碍的评估、治疗与研究。这一领域由专业的言语治疗师(Speech Therapists, 简称ST)或言语语言病理学家(Speech Language Pathologists, 简称SLP)引领...
可采用多种干预策略应对ASD儿童的社交问题,包括行为分析(applied behavior analysis,ABA)、图片交换系统( picture exchange communication system, PECS)、扩大与替代沟通( augmentative and alternative commu-nication,AAC)、言语治疗(speech therap...
ST(speech therapy)即言语治疗,是对各种言语障碍和交往障碍进行评定、治疗和研究的学科。言语治疗师主要是为患有沟通障碍和吞咽困难的人群提供治疗,采用科学、有效的方式帮助患者提高沟通能力和吞咽能力,从而提高他们自身和家庭成员的生活质量。 言语治疗方式也很多样,...
“Public speech”则被翻译为“公开演讲”,指的是在公众场合进行的演讲活动。“Speech impediment”在中文中通常被翻译为“言语障碍”,指的是影响个体说话能力的各种障碍。“Speech therapy”则被翻译为“言语治疗”,是指针对言语障碍进行的专业治疗。 这些短语的翻译不仅体现了“speec...
English Languages Learning Reader Speech Therapy Machine Toy Sight Words Children Educational Cognitive Cards Talking Flash Card $1.70 - $1.84 Min. order: 120 pieces 2024 Children Role Play Tool sets toy Simulation Pretend Kids 69 pcs tool toy set for children $5.88 - $6.28 Min. order: 24 pi...
Results indicated that bilingual caseload children (i.e., bilinguals receiving speech-language therapy), aged 3–5 years, required more assistance than those in the control group to identify the target item in the teaching phase. No significant differences were found between the two groups in the...
Introduction Speech and language therapists (SLTs) worldwide report challenges with providing recommended, evidence-based intervention intensity for children with speech sound disorder (SSD). Challenges such as service constraints and/or family contexts impact on access to optimal therapy intensity. ...
演讲的英文是speak,也可以使用“give a speech”或者“make a speech”表达;名词形式为speech。 演讲的英文直接翻译 演讲在英语中的直接对应词汇是'speech',这是一个广泛被接受的翻译。'Speech'这个词可以用作名词,意指“演说,发言,谈话”,同时也涵盖了“说话的能力,说话方式,口语,...
https://github.com/rob-miller/rTracker https://itunes.apple.com/app/rtracker-track-it-all-your-way/id486541371 Speak: AAC & Speech Therapy https://github.com/raynesio/speakability https://itunes.apple.com/app/speakability/id784509467ResearchKitback...
in Speech Pathology • Charts explain normal sound development • The Consonant Cookbook, suggestions to help with each consonant's correct sound • Test forms and score sheets • Word training lists An excellent resource for parents wishing to implement a quality speech therapy program without...