Speech Therapy:开启语言障碍者的新世界 Speech Therapy的定义与基本概念 言语治疗(Speech Therapy),作为康复医学不可或缺的一部分,专注于对语言障碍的评估、治疗与研究。这一领域由专业的言语治疗师(Speech Therapists, 简称ST)或言语语言病理学家(Speech Language Pathologists, 简称SLP)引领...
3.2 可采用多种干预策略应对ASD儿童的社交问题,包括行为分析(applied behavior analysis,ABA)、图片交换系统( picture exchange communication system, PECS)、扩大与替代沟通( augmentative and alternative commu-nication,AAC)、言语治疗(speech ...
07. Home-Speech-Home 这个网站提供了从想法/活动到单词表的大量演讲资源。 08 Mommy Speech Therapy 这个网站主要是为那些担心孩子发音技巧的父母而写的,但是有很多免费的可下载/可打印的页面,你可能会觉得有用……尤其是如果你刚开始学SLP语的话。...
in Speech Pathology • Charts explain normal sound development • The Consonant Cookbook, suggestions to help with each consonant's correct sound • Test forms and score sheets • Word training lists An excellent resource for parents wishing to implement a quality speech therapy program without...
a French language assessment battery, Chevrier-Muller and Plaza 2001); (b) a teaching phase of DA; (c) an immediate post-test of DA; (d) Raven's matrices (Raven 1998); and (e) a delayed post-test of DA. A master's student in speech-language therapy at the University of Geneva ...
Introduction Speech and language therapists (SLTs) worldwide report challenges with providing recommended, evidence-based intervention intensity for children with speech sound disorder (SSD). Challenges such as service constraints and/or family contexts impact on access to optimal therapy intensity. ...
Initial Pain Assessment PART 1 -Do you have pain? -Discomfort or soreness? -tell me in your own words Initial Pain Assessment PART 2 -where is your pain? -tell me about ALL the places that have pain Initial Pain Assessment PART 3 ...
-problems w/: mobility, respiratory function, swallowing/speech, gag reflex, self care -loss of voluntary movement (akinesia), impairment of integration of movements, alterations in muscle tone and reflexes-initial hyporeflexia (depressed reflexes) progresses to hyperreflexia (hyperactive reflexes)-...
Streamlining the Process Above all else, Ray Kroc was impressed by the efficiency of the McDonald brothers' operation, as well as the enormous profit potential of such a system applied at a large number of restaurant sites. Here is how Kroc described his initial reactions to the McDonald's ...
ST(speech therapy)即言语治疗,是对各种言语障碍和交往障碍进行评定、治疗和研究的学科。言语治疗师主要是为患有沟通障碍和吞咽困难的人群提供治疗,采用科学、有效的方式帮助患者提高沟通能力和吞咽能力,从而提高他们自身和家庭成员的生活质量。 言语治疗方式也很多样,...