Speech Therapy的定义与基本概念 言语治疗(Speech Therapy),作为康复医学不可或缺的一部分,专注于对语言障碍的评估、治疗与研究。这一领域由专业的言语治疗师(Speech Therapists, 简称ST)或言语语言病理学家(Speech Language Pathologists, 简称SLP)引领,他们运用专业知识与技能,为那些面临发音...
07. Home-Speech-Home 这个网站提供了从想法/活动到单词表的大量演讲资源。 08 Mommy Speech Therapy 这个网站主要是为那些担心孩子发音技巧的父母而写的,但是有很多免费的可下载/可打印的页面,你可能会觉得有用……尤其是如果你刚开始学SLP语的话。...
言语病理学(speech language pathology, SLP)指涉及言语缺陷和诊治的学科,由于研究对象的不同(包括先天的和后天因素,如发音器官的伤残和运动神经的紊乱等不同),言语病理学在学科上通常划分为言语缺陷的矫治和言语功能失常的恢复两大类[8],主要...
Consequently, speech-language therapists (SLTs) see more and more bilingual children and are frequently required to evaluate their speech, although they do not speak the children's other languages. They are also faced with a lack of tools to appropriately assess the children's language because ...
Introduction Speech and language therapists (SLTs) worldwide report challenges with providing recommended, evidence-based intervention intensity for children with speech sound disorder (SSD). Challenges such as service constraints and/or family contexts impact on access to optimal therapy intensity. ...
国外已证明有效的帕金森病康复治疗包括:物理与运动治疗(physiotherapy and physical activity)、作业治疗(occupational therapy)、言语和语言治疗(speech and language therapy)以及吞咽治疗(swallowing therapy)。 早期帕金森病患者即推荐咨询专业的物理、作业和言语治疗师...
ST(speech therapy)即言语治疗,是对各种言语障碍和交往障碍进行评定、治疗和研究的学科。言语治疗师主要是为患有沟通障碍和吞咽困难的人群提供治疗,采用科学、有效的方式帮助患者提高沟通能力和吞咽能力,从而提高他们自身和家庭成员的生活质量。 言语治疗方式也很多样,...
The major method is cochlear implants, which have many shortcomings such as people's limited understanding of speech in a noisy environment and poor music perception. "With the development of biomedicine, gene therapy is believed on...
⑶We paste spring poems (贴春联)with luck words on the door. ⑷We eat delicious food with symbolic values(有象征意义的美味食品),for example, chicken for good luck. ⑸We exchange greetings with friends and relatives. ⑹People may give...
Behaviour Research and Therapy 污名化经历加剧抑郁症患者疼痛感知 心理所孔亚卓组研究组联合北京大学第六医院合作开展了一系列研究,考察污名化经历对抑郁症患者自我报告的疼痛和诱发性疼痛感知的作用。研究发现,过往的被污名经历会加强患者的疼痛灾难化倾向,诱发更...