背根节慢性压迫模型小细胞交感敏化的no-cgmp-pkg信号通路分析-no - cgmp - pkg signal pathway analysis of sympathetic sensitization of small cells in chronic dorsal root ganglion compression model.docx,第四军医大学硕士学位论文 第四军医大学硕士学位论文 HYPERLI
cGMP-PKG signaling pathway Cyclic GMP (cGMP) is the intracellular second messenger that mediates the action of nitric oxide (NO) and natriuretic peptides (NPs), regulating a broad array of physiologic processes. The elevated intracellular cGMP level exerts its physiological action through two forms ...
These results suggest that activation of sst(5) receptors suppresses T-type Ca2+ currents in rat RGCs through intracellular NO/cGMP/PKG signaling pathway, which may provide a potential mechanism for protecting RGCs against injury.Li, QianZhang, YiWu, NaYin, NingSun, Xing-HuaiWang, Zhongfeng...
Here, we provide evidence supporting the idea that CCD or ADD treatment activates cGMP-PKA signaling pathway in the DRG neurons. The results showed that CCD or ADD results in increase of levels of cGMP concentration and expression of PKG-I mRNA, as well as PKG-I protein in DRG. CCD or ...
本文就eNOS-NO-cGMP-PKG信号转导通路在缺血再灌注损伤过程中的作用及研究进展做一综述。1.缺血再灌注损伤的研究现状 1955年,Sewell结扎狗冠状动脉后,突然解除结扎,恢复血流,动物发生室颤而死亡。1960年,Jennings第一次提出心肌再灌注损伤的概念;1967年,Bulkley 和Hutchins发现冠脉搭桥血管再通后的病人发生心肌细胞...
机译:Pinacidil,KATP通道开启器通过豚鼠心脏室性肌细胞的NO / CGMP / PKG信号通路刺激心脏NA + / CA2 +交换器功能 2. Stimulation of neuronal KATP channels by cGMP-dependent protein kinase: involvement of ROS and 5-hydroxydecanoate-sensitive factors in signal transduction. [J] . Chai Y, Lin YF...
Hervera A, Leanez S, Pol O: The inhibition of the nitric oxide- cGMP-PKG-JNK signaling pathway avoids the development of tolerance to the local antiallodynic effects produced by morphine during neuropathic pain. Eur J Pharmacol 2012; 685:42-51...
2.5 cGMP-PKG信号通路cGMP/PKG信号通路是细胞内重要的信 24、号转导通路之一,缺血再灌注造成血管内皮损伤,进而导致内皮细胞一氧化氮合成酶(eNOS)活性减弱,NO合成减少,抑制了NO-cGMP-PKG 信号通路,导致血管内皮依赖性舒张反应减弱14。缺血再灌注时可通过激活内源性的eNOS-NO 系统,从而激活cGMP-PKG 信号转导通路,...