2024年12月16日,浙江大学万伟、刘伟、XuYinfeng共同通讯在Immunity(IF=25.5)在线发表题为“The cGAS-STING pathway activates transcription factor TFEB to stimulate lysosome biogenesis and pathogen clearance”的研究论文,该研究发现cGAS-STING途径...
STING中的Cys91已被证明是共价配体BPK-25的靶向,BPK-25通过破坏环状二核苷酸配体cGAMP的结合来抑制STING激活。此外,醋酸四氢异喹啉酮(化合物 18)稳定了 STING 的开放、无活性构象,并以 2:1 的比例与 cGAMP 结合位点结合,从而将 cGAMP...
2、这种文章在领域专业杂志上不会吃闭门羹!最后,一个工作是不是好工作,发表以后的论文单篇引用不会说谎。1. Ma, R. et al. The cGAS-STING pathway: The role of self-DNA sensing in inflammatory lung disease. FASEB J34, 13156, doi:10.1096/fj.202001607R (2020)#新手帮扶计划##优质作者榜# ...
DNA sensing by the cGAS-STING pathway in health and disease. Nat Rev Genet. 2019 Nov;20(11):657-674. 病毒感染 朋友们都经历过新冠病毒,深切地理解了病毒对人类生存的危害。其实呢,日常所见的很多疾病都是由病毒引起,比如由鼻病毒(RNA病毒)引起的普通感冒,由人乳头瘤病毒(DNA病毒)引起的宫颈癌,由水痘...
2021 年 4 月 8 日,瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院的 Alexiane Decout 教授及其团队在Nature Reviews Immunology(IF=108.555)发表了一篇重磅综述,题为《The cGAS-STING pathway as a therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases(cGAS-STING通路作为炎症性疾病的治疗靶点)》,在该文中,作者介绍了cGAS-STING信号级联的主要成分...
相关实验验证数据请参见:Targeting the cGAS-STING Pathway Using a Homogenous, HTS Compatible Transcreener? cGAS Assay Transcreener cGAMP cGAS试剂盒优势: 操作简便,高通量,兼容96, 384和1536孔模式~ 出色的信号稳定性:24小时以上的信号依旧稳定性
4. Gulen MF, et al. cGAS-STING drives ageing-related inflammation and neurodegeneration. Nature. 2023 Aug;620(7973):374-380. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06373-1. Epub 2023 Aug 2. PMID: 37532932.5. Decout A, et al. The cGAS-STING pathway as a therapeutic target in inflammatory diseases....
靶向cGAS-STING通路或可成为改善甚至逆转衰老相关损害的良策之一。原文链接:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06373-1 参考文献 1. Motwani, M., Pesiridis, S., and Fitzgerald, K.A. (2019). DNA sensing by the cGAS-STING pathway in health and disease. Nat Rev Genet 20, 657-674. 10....
Recent works have also identified several other critical functions of the cGAS–STING pathway, which may also be involved in antiviral mechanisms and other chronic disease responses. For example, the cGAS–STING pathway was demonstrated to have a role in cancer and lipid metabolism as well as in...