If you’re having problems with a financial institution, your first step should be to contact the institution directly. Start with a simple email, online chat, or a phone call tocustomer service. If you’re complaining by phone, you may find it helpful to write yourself a script so you d...
privacy and security. But there’s more that can and needs to be done. In time, we hope to see more regulatory frameworks that give consumers greater control of their data and increased adoption of the technology and architecture of decoupling to secure all of our personal data, wherever...
Moreover, the LDA model can be used for assigning topics to the new CFPB consumer narratives that will be received in the future (generalization ability). LDA based topic modeling has been applied to different kinds of text data including email (Blei, Carin, & Dunson, 2010), scientific ...
For further information, please contact your principal Firm representative or one of the lawyers listed below. General email messages may be sent using our "Contact Us" form, which can be found atwww.jonesday.com. David F. Adler Cleveland +1.216.586.1344 dfadler@jonesday.com Jeremy P. C...
“Navient’s compensation policy for its customer service representatives incentivizes them to push borrowers into forbearance, without adequately exploring income-driven repayment plans with those borrowers.”[10]Therefore, even if one were troubled by the word “steering,” the Court was...
The webinar is offered as complimentary to the mortgage industry but availability is limited. To sign up for the webinar, go tohttps://goo.gl/E8cTzP. Company contact information is below. OpenClose at 561-575-4632 Option 1, or email sales@openclose.com. ...