If you’re having problems with a financial institution, your first step should be to contact the institution directly. Start with a simple email, online chat, or a phone call tocustomer service. If you’re complaining by phone, you may find it helpful to write yourself a script so you d...
Current addresses and phone numbers are also available through data brokers. This can provide sensitive contact information for those at risk of being targeted for their profession, such as judges, police officers, or government employees. Domestic violence survivors also face the danger of being stal...
phone: Mapped[str] phone_number: Mapped[str] def __str__(self): return f"ContactInfo ID: {self.id}, First Name: {self.first_name}, Last Name: {self.last_name}, Address Street 1: {self.hq_address_street_1}, Address Street 2: {self.hq_address_street_2}, Address City: {self....
“Communicating and making payments via text messaging allows consumers to take care of business on their own time, according to their schedule,” Cantrell said. “Consumers don’t have to wait for a phone call; this proposal gives consumers more power to manage their finances and allows consume...