Cell Signaling(CST)产品目录2022年 少量现货,价格优惠 详细信息 货号 产品名称 包装 品牌 4801S Phospho-SMC1 (Ser957) Antibody, 100 ul KIT Cell Signaling(CST) 4802S SMC1 Antibody, 100 ul KIT Cell Signaling(CST) 4803S Phospho-S6 Ribosomal Protein (Ser235/236) (D57.2.2E) XP Rabbit mAb ...
Cell Signaling 代理商 产品型号: 产品报价: 产品特点: 世界*品牌cell signaling technology公司代理原装正品,质量保证,*。 我公司作为cell signaling technology公司代理在华销售的品牌代理商,提供一系列的标准、新颖、*的生化试剂,所有这些产品均具有*的纯度和高超的品质。
induced by the irradiated vaccine (Fig.7g), suggesting that IL-1β secretion may not be required. Taken together, these results demonstrate that oxidized mtDNA-STING signaling but not TLR9 signaling or IL-1β secretion is involved in the protective antitumor immunity induced by the irradiated canc...
The following antibody were used: ALDH2 (Abcam Cat# ab108306, RRID:AB_10862581), TOM20 (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 42406, RRID:AB_2687663), LC3B (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 3868, RRID:AB_2137707), P62 (Abcam Cat# ab56416, RRID:AB_945626), FUNDC1 (Abcam Cat# ab74834, RRID:...
1023S Phospho-IKK-alpha/beta (Ser176/180) Blocking Peptide, 100 ug KIT Cell Signaling(CST) 1024S PKA (Thr197) Biotinylated Peptide, 1.25 ml KIT Cell Signaling(CST) 1025S B-Actin Blocking Peptide, 100 ug KIT Cell Signaling(CST) 1026S Phospho-Bad (Ser112) Blocking Peptide, 100 ug ...
Conclusions: The results indicate that CTPPU significantly inhibits NSCLC cell proliferation by inducing G1/S cell cycle arrest via the Akt/GSK-3β/c-Myc signaling pathway. Molecular docking revealed that CTPPU could interact with Akt and mTORC2 molecules with a high binding affinity. These data...
We have found that cells can interact with a portion of the fibronectin first type III repeat, leading to cell adhesion and activation of ERK, and that this signaling requires both cell surface HSPGs and integrins. RASMCs are able to adhere to and spread on III1-C. Adhesion to III1-C ...
Blockade of interferon Beta, but not interferon alpha, signaling controls persistent viral infection Cell Host Microbe, 17 (2015), pp. 653-661, 10.1016/j.chom.2015.04.005 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Oberbarnscheidt et al., 2010 M.H. Oberbarnscheidt, J.S. Obhrai, A.L...
TightandAdherens JunctionSignaling JenniferL.HarderandBenMargolis DepartmentsofInternalMedicineandBiologicalChemistry,UniversityofMichigan,AnnArbor,MI48109,USA Signalingpathwaysconverginguponandemanatingromadherensjunctions(AJs)andtightjunctions(TJs)aectmanycellularunctions,includingcytoskeletal dynamics,polarizedvesicletraf...
The cell signaling factors EGFR, EphA2, and Ephexin1 are associated with lung and colorectal cancer and play an important role in tumorigenesis. Although the respective functional roles of EGFR and EphA2 are well known, interactions between these proteins and a functional role for the complex is...