67.Stehelin, D. et al. (1976) DNA related to thetransforming gene (s) of avian sarcoma viruses is present in normal avian DNA. Nature260, 170–173 68.Lollini, P.L. et al. (2006) Vaccines for tumourprevention. Nat. Rev. Cancer 6, 204–216 69.Godoy-Vitorino, F. et al. (2018)...
目前,只有11种生物(7种病毒、3种扁形动物和1种细菌)被确认为人类癌症的确切病因。这11种生物分别是人类疱疹病毒4型(Epstein-Barr, EBV)、乙肝病毒(Hepatitis B, HBV)、丙肝病毒(Hepatitis C, HCV)、卡波氏肉瘤疱疹病毒(Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus, KSV)、人类免疫...
单核吞噬细胞( Mononuclear phagocytes MPs)已在许多常见的肿瘤中进行过报道,但在肉瘤中却很少。作者利用三种小鼠模型来代表临床中的三类肉瘤:滑膜肉瘤(synovial sarcoma SS)(由SYT-SSX融合基因驱动),未分化的多形性肉瘤(undifferentiat...
Clear cell sarcomaPANCREASRare cancerMETASTATICDIAGNOSISPrimary or secondary clear cell sarcoma of the pancreas is an exceedingly rare and aggressive disease.In addition to pathology,molecular analysis is pivotal in differential diagnosis,especially with malignant melanoma.A key aspect in identifying clear...
showed that partially reprogrammed sarcoma cancer cell lines (pre-iPS) exhibit reduced tumorigenicity, resemble mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), and can differentiate into lineages that were blocked in their parental cell lines (Zhang et al., 2013). They also showed massive rewiring of epigenetic ...
文章发表后,就有同行对使用SK-NEP-1来研究肾母细胞瘤的做法提出了质疑。经Front Oncol.编辑部调查确认,SK-NEP-1已被重新归类为尤文氏肉瘤(Ewing sarcoma)细胞系,而非肾母细胞瘤来源。Front Oncol.编辑部认为同行的投诉和质疑是有效的,该文章的科学有效性无法证实。因此,文章在今年10月份被撤稿!
Zhenfeng Duan, in Cancer Treatment Reviews, 2018 Clear cell sarcoma Clear cell sarcoma is an infrequent soft tissue tumor arising in the extremities. It is highly aggressive, has a poor prognosis, and predominately affects young people. In addition, clear cell sarcoma has a tendency to relapse ...
Cell-in-cell structures are reported in numerous cancers, and their presence is an indicator for poor prognosis. Mechanistic studies have identified how cancer cells manage to ingest whole neighbouring cells to form such structures, and the consequences
Immunogenic cell death significantly contributes to the success of anti-cancer therapies, but immunogenicity of different cell death modalities widely varies. Ferroptosis, a form of cell death that is characterized by iron accumulation and lipid peroxida
除MCV 外,已知还有六种人类病毒可致癌,包括导致宫颈癌和头颈癌的人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV),以及同样由 Moore 和 Chang 发现的卡波西肉瘤疱疹病毒(Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus)。 展望未来,研究人员计划通过将其他一些致癌病毒与MCV进行对比研究,拓宽他们对病毒复制的理解。 "摩尔说:"病毒就像一个个小机器人,但它们仍然有...