其中交叉科学期刊Heliyon增幅最高,生命科学期刊Structure和医学期刊Cell Reports Medicine增幅次之。值得关注的是,中国学者在影响因子(Impact Factor,后用I)50.30分的Cancer Cell上发表的论文增幅高达160%,在One Earth、Cell Host & Microbe、Chem Catalysis等高影响力期刊上的发文量也都较上一年增加了至少1倍。 中国学...
2021 年,细胞出版社旗下共有 16 本期刊实现了影响力的大幅提升,其中生命科学旗舰刊Cell在2021 年影响因子(Impact Factor,后用 IF 代替)上涨幅度最高,达到 66.850;生命科学期刊Cell Host & Microbe和Immunity的 IF 也得到大幅提升,分别上涨至 31.316 和 43.474,增幅高达 48.96% 和 36.95%。此外,Cell Reports Medi...
With this encoding scheme, each gene can amplify or diminish its impact on all its neighboring genes according to the corresponding differential expression levels. We discussed the impact of incorporating differential gene expression information on GRN construction using various benchmark datasets, and ...
Cell Biol. 16, 393–405 (2015). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Kim, T. K. et al. Interferon regulatory factor 3 activates p53-dependent cell growth inhibition. Cancer Lett. 242, 215–221 (2006). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Galluzzi, L., Buque, A., Kepp, O., Zitvogel,...
该研究利用了MSK-IMPACT高通量基因测序技术,分析了48,179名癌症患者的肿瘤样本,覆盖67种主要癌症类型,重点关注224种肿瘤抑制基因和186种致癌基因的基因组变异。双等位基因失活的模式主要包括:杂合性丢失(Loss of Heterozygosity, LOH),纯合缺失(Homozygous Deletion),突变+LOH的组合(MutLOH),复合突变(Composite Mutation...
Bile acid is a significant host factor shaping the gut microbiome of diet-induced obese mice. BMC Biol. 2017;15(1):120. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Luo T, Guo Z, Liu D, Guo Z, Wu Q, Li Q, et al. Deficiency of PSRC1 accelerates atherosclerosis by increasing TMAO ...
To determine the impact of individual B-cell subtypes on the prognosis of patients with MIBC, we developed a risk prognostic model. The genes identified through LASSO analysis within B-cell subtypes are provided in Additional file 3: Table S2. The infiltration of B-STMN1, B-CD69, Plasma-MZB...
MSK-IMPACT profiling (Samstein et al., 2019) was previously performed and the cBioPortal (Cerami et al., 2012; Gao et al., 2013) was used to identify LUAD patient samples with KRAS and TP53 mutations. Human samples assembled in tissue microarrays in this study from Vanderbilt University ...
We carefully investigate the anchor cell properties and their impact on the prediction results (details in later section) and demonstrate that the assumption holds well in real data. We then use the anchors with their predicted cell types as new reference data to train another classifier to ...
Over the past decade, immunotherapy has demonstrated an impressive improvement in treatment outcomes for multiple cancers. Following the landmark approvals for use of immune checkpoint inhibitors, new challenges emerged in various clinical settings. Not