In this chapter, we describe cell cycle and its importance in anticancer research, the clinical studies based on cell cycle to curb neoplastic development, and approaches used in anti-tumor research to counter cancer progression.doi:10.1007/978-981-15-7586-0_3Gaurav Kumar...
2023年11月16日,来自英国邓迪大学的Adrian T. Saurin团队在Molecular Cell上在线发表题为Oncogenic signals prime cancer cells for toxic cell growth during a G1 cell-cycle arrest的文章,证明CDK4/6抑制剂使细胞生长和细胞周期这两个过程解耦联,从而导致细胞过度生长、DNA损伤和细胞周期退出。致癌信号则加剧了这些...
Cancer is a group of diseases in which cells divide continuously and excessively. Cell division is tightly regulated by multiple evolutionarily conserved cell cycle control mechanisms, to ensure the production of two genetically identical cells. Cell cyc
Cell cycle arrestwas the first identified effect ofHDACinhibitors oncancer cells. HDAC inhibitors are capable of causing a cell cycle arrest in a broad range of cells, including numerous forms of cancer and both cancerous and noncancerous cells[51]. The type of arrest seems to be dependent ...
Cell cycle arrest/release experiments of MCF7/SKBR3 breast cancer and MCF10 non-tumorigenic cells were used as a surrogate to support the production of proteins relevant to aberrant cell proliferation. Information downloaded from the scientific public domain was queried with bioinformatics tools to ...
生物通报道,伊利诺大学芝加哥校区生物化学与分子遗传学院,医学院,Jesse Brown VA医学研究中心的科学家在12月9日出版的Cancer Cell上发表特刊文章,讲述氧化作用路径与细胞衰老以及细胞凋亡间的关联。 生物通报道,伊利诺大学芝加哥校区生物化学与分子遗传学院,医学院,Jesse Brown VA医学研究中心的科学家在12月9日出版的Cance...
肿瘤细胞也会由于DNA损伤修复缺陷,导致积累大量DNA 损伤,从而诱发细胞周期停滞 (cell cycle arrest) 。为了应对这些挑战,Greenberg研究小组通过破坏G2细胞周期检验点 (G2 cell cycle checkpoint)和敲除p53基因,迫使细胞进行细胞周期分裂,从而达到激活炎症反应通路的效果。同时他们发现此策率还激活了RIG-I (retinoic acid...
2023年11月13日,斯坦福大学Scott J. Dixon团队在Cell子刊Cell Chemical Biology上发表了题为:Sensitization of cancer cells to ferroptosis coincident with cell cycle arrest的研究论文。 这项研究显示,野生型p53对铁死亡有两种不同截然不同的影响:降低System Xc-抑制剂(erastin)引起的铁死亡,而促进GPX4抑制剂(RSL3...
et al. Cell-cycle arrest, micronucleus formation, and cell death in growth inhibition of MCF-7 breast cancer cells by tamoxifen and cisplatin. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 122, 603–612 (1996). Download citation Received18 December 1995 Accepted13 March 1996 ...
Activation of this checkpoint causes cell cycle arrest as a result of the inhibition of APC/C. Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Malumbres, M., Barbacid, M. Cell cycle, CDKs and cancer: a changing paradigm. Nat Rev Cancer 9, 153–166 (...