19 Celery workers unable to connect to redis on docker instances 12 How to configure docker to use redis with celery 0 celery workers unable to connect to dockerized redis instance using Django 1 Error connecting Celery to Redis when using Docker 4 Celery not executing new tasks if ...
We want stalled tasks to be picked up by a new worker so we're using task_acks_late: True along with visibility_timeout. Some of the tasks can take a pretty long time to run so we attempted to update the visibility_timeout. Celery settings are as follows: "broker_url": "redis:/...
sometimes celery with redis appear the problem: portal_page_handler.py:3175 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ixianxia/web_app_src/shanghu_wifi/handler/portal_page_handler.py", line 3123, in get self.cur_user.card_no) File "/home/ixianxia/local/python/lib/python2.7/...
celery中配置redis密码时的ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'xxxx' 原配置: celery_broker = 'redis://:xxxx#xxxx@' # docker0 错误原因: 密码中不能有 # ? 等特殊字符 (无语O__O "…) https://blog.csdn.net/liushaochan123/article/details/8885116 对...
The TTL is 1 day (default) and can be adjusted by setting result_expires (see: https://docs.celeryq.dev/en/stable/userguide/configuration.html#result-expires).I tried to set it to 5 (5 seconds), however, when checking the TTL of the key, Redis always returns -1, which means "No...
CELERY_BROKER_URL = REDIS_URL This would define the host of our Redis instance. Celery will look for variables with ‘CELERY_’ prefix in the settings.py defined in system environment. Now, all our integration is done but definition of async tasks. To define an async task, simply import ...
When we ranpython celery_blog.py, tasks were created and put in the message queue i.e redis. celery workerrunning on another terminal, talked with redis and fetched the tasks from queue. celery worker deserialized each individual task and made each individual task run within a sub-process. ...
Celery is best used in conjunction with a storage solution that is often referred to as a message broker. A common message broker that is used with celery is Redis which is a performant, in memory, key-value data store. Specifically, Redis is used to store messages produced by the applicat...
原配置: celery_broker ='redis://:xxxx#xxxx@'# docker0 错误原因: 密码中不能有#?等特殊字符 (无语O__O "…) https://blog.csdn.net/liushaochan123/article/details/8885116 对特殊字符,博客 “解决celery中用户密码带有特殊字符的问题”(https://knktc.com/2017/11/13/celery-py...
原配置: celery_broker ='redis://:xxxx#xxxx@'# docker0 错误原因: 密码中不能有#?等特殊字符 (无语O__O "…) https://blog.csdn.net/liushaochan123/article/details/8885116 对特殊字符,博客 “解决celery中用户密码带有特殊字符的问题”(https://knktc.com/2017/11/13/celery-py...