Everything works just fine when celery-beat schedules a task and workers pick them up to execute. They both are able to communicate with Redis fine. However, when I call a task from my django view directly, with delay function, I see a timeout error on connecting Redis....
celery_app_site24x7.autodiscover_tasks(lambda: settings.INSTALLED_APPS) The issue is that if Redis is down and the connection is restablished new tasks added in the queue are not executed: [2020-01-1310:10:14,517: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to redis://xxx.xxx....
'connection refused',这意味着您试图连接的IP:port没有任何侦听。您应该检查您的Redis示例。调试提示:...
django启动celery连接本地redis django connection 最近总会遇到MySQL server has gone away的报错,然后就看了一下django的数据库连接这一块。 django数据库连接 ORM中数据库连接用到的connections,从django.db模块引入,属于ConnectionHandler对象。 # django.db.__init__.py...
如果您得到的是No nodes replied within time constraint输出,这意味着集群中没有活动的Celery工作线程,...
CELERY_REDIS_MAX_CONNECTIONS Maximum number of connections available in the Redis connection pool used for sending and retrieving results. BROKER_TRANSPORT_OPTIONS New in version 2.2. A dict of additional options passed to the underlying transport. ...
will cause the message to be redelivered. Exactly when a transaction is considered a failure varies by transport. In AMQP the transaction fails when the connection/channel is closed (or lost), but in Redis/SQS the transaction times out after a configurable amount of time (thevisibility_timeout...
Minimal Result Backend Client Version: redis==3.5.3 Python Packages pip freeze Output: Other Dependencies Minimally Reproducible Test Case Expected Behavior Celery worker should be able to re-establish connection to backend instance that was temporarily down when it's live again irrespective of whethe...
We are using Django Rest Framework with MongoEngine, Redis, Celery and Kombu, and we are getting the following error in our logs: `[2017-03-22 06:26:01,702: WARNING/MainProcess] consumer: Connection to broker lost. Trying to re-establish the connection... ...