in nucleotide and amino acid were 99.8% and 100% respectively.Meanwhile,the CDS region of p55-v3 contained 1053 bps,encoding 350 amino acids.As compared with GenBank,the homology in nucleotide and amino acid was 99.9% and 100% respectively.However,the similarity in nucleotide between p55-v3 ...
BLAST Search database Nucleotide collection (nr/nt) using Blastn (Optimize for somewhat sim 55、ilar sequences) 让Show-suits in a -w windM勾选此项德在薪窗口内显示结果丁便于进行多次BLA§T出 A Iqorithm pa rametrs2.结果分析Blastn的结果输入页面主要包括三个部分。第一部分是图形式的汇总,用于...
CDSregionofp55一v0genecontained1245bps,encoding414aminoacids.Thehomologybetweenthissequenceandtheonere- portedpreviouslyinnucleotideandaminoacidwere99.8 and100 respectively.Meanwhile,theCDSregionofp55一v3con— tained1053bps,encoding350aminoacids.AscomparedwithGenBank,thehomologyinnucleotideandaminoacidwas99. ...
The Coding Sequence (CDS) is the actual region of DNA that is translated to form proteins. the...
Template-based modeling and molecular dynamics simulation of leucine-rich repeat (LRR) region of NOD1 receptor in Labeo rohita, and binding site analysis w... Nucleotide binding and oligomerization domain-1 (NOD1) is a cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptor (PRR), and is a member of the NOD-...
The CTSK protein of Guangxi Bama mini-pig had an obvious hydrophilic region and a signal peptide sequence in the region of amino acids 17- 330, but had no transmembrane structural domain. Structural prediction indicated that there were two n-glycosylation sites in the CTSK protein, and ...
2.外显子(expressed region):是真核生物基因的一部分,它在剪接后仍会被保存下来,并可在蛋白质... ... -coding-region-cds/ If you are unable to determine the ...
An intron is anynucleotide sequencewithin agenethat is not expressed or operative in the final RNA product. The word intron is derived from the term intragenic region, i.e. a region inside a gene.[1]The term intron refers to both the DNA sequence within a gene and the corresponding RNA ...
The mutation of other SNP sites in CDS region is synonymous mutation. The CDS region of DKK1 gene contains a 789 bp nucleotide sequence encoding 262 amino acids with 28 349. 17 D protein molecular weight. The encoded polypeptide chain with signal peptide sequen...