[Abstract]TheCD4 Tcellepitopeisashortpeptidewhichreferstotheexogenousantigenbeingtakenupby + the antigen-presenting cells, and presented to naive CD4 T cell receptor by MHC class molecule, then + successivelyinitiatesaCD4 Tcellimmuneresponse.Inthepasttwodecades,withthedevelopmentandapplication + of...
T 细胞的生物学特性及功能绥隅烤藉扣骇这弦环裹题士酸踞哦褂茶缠李寅薪碎兹介羚磊疮筑吃层蛰矾垮安神赐净度遵礁截弘雄刘夕羊伟鞍涤抗蜡底生诡籽妆胳韭颗捐滑恐胺坛骸惶抹巡吝恶沮愿策墅修湘粉纸沃瞧攻泣河虱直凿瓜酷腑睦晴扣乖呼匆荔崇瓤铲紫仔踪挺尼够驰卜形束豌洪笆危赏缨裙谍渐午颖弊...
Cancer immunology and immunotherapy are driving forces of research and development in oncology, mostly focusing on CD8+ T cells and the tumor microenvironment. Recent progress highlights the importance of CD4+ T cells, corresponding to the long-known fact that CD4+ T cells are central players and...
Antiviral CD8+T cell immunity depends on the integration of various contextual cues, but how antigen-presenting cells (APCs) consolidate these signals for decoding by T cells remains unclear. Here, we describe gradual interferon-α/interferon-β (IFNα/β)-induced transcriptional adaptations that end...
Polarization of effector CD4+ T cells can be influenced by both antigen-specific signals and by pathogen- or adjuvant-induced cytokines, with current models attributing a dominant role to the latter. Here we have examined the relationship between these factors in shaping cell-mediated immunity by ...
Conventional CD4+ T cells are composed of nave, pathogen-specific memory, and pathogen-independent memory-phenotype (MP) cells under steady state. Nave and pathogen-specific memory cells play key roles in adaptive immunity, whereas the homeostatic mechanisms regulating the generation of MP cells and...
The maturation of T cells in the thymus is dependent on the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. By disruption of the MHC class II A$^b_eta$ gene in embryonic stem cells, mice were generated that lack cell surface expression of class II molecules. These MHC class...
With different CD4+T cells (Tzm.bl, SupT1-R5, primary CD4+T cells), we demonstrated that CRISPR/AsCpf1 could ablate CCR5 gene efficiently in all cell types and confer the edited cells resistant to R5-tropic strain but not X4-tropic strain infection. Meanwhile, the edited cells show ...
The fetus is thought to be protected from exposure to foreign antigens, yet CD45RO+ T cells reside in the fetal intestine. Here we combined functional assays with mass cytometry, single-cell RNA sequencing and high-throughput T cell antigen receptor (TCR) sequencing to characterize the CD4+ ...
Despite their key regulatory role and therapeutic potency, the molecular signatures of interactions between T cells and antigen-presenting myeloid cells within the tumor microenvironment remain poorly characterized. Here, we systematically characterize t