由这些脐带血单位产生的 CAR-NK 细胞的一年无进展生存率为 69%,总生存率为 94%,相比之下,有核红细胞含量较高或从采集到冷冻保存时间较长的脐带血单位产生的 CAR-NK 细胞的一年无进展生存率为 5%,总生存率为 48%。 论文通讯作者、德克萨斯大学MD安德森癌症中心干细胞移植与细胞疗法教授Katy Rezvani博士说,“在...
根据德克萨斯大学MD Anderson癌症中心的I/IIa期试验结果,针对CD19的脐血来源的嵌合抗原受体(CAR)自然杀伤细胞(NK)医疗,在大多数复发或难治性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL)和慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)患者中产生了反应,但…
武田研发部总裁Andy Plump, M.D., Ph.D.表示:“MD安德森的CAR NK平台代表着细胞治疗药物的治愈潜力,这就是我们正在将CD19 CAR NK确立为肿瘤领域先导细胞治疗候选药物的原因。我们必须灵活和有目的地工作,因此,我们计划在2021年启动CD19 CAR NK的枢纽性研究。” 除了CAR NK细胞治疗药物,武田和其合作伙伴正在调查...
为了加快过继性细胞疗法(ACT)的进程,在B细胞淋巴瘤的治疗中,MD Anderson癌症中心从早期的CD19 CAR-T细胞治疗模式转向了对癌细胞具有更强杀伤力、并且治疗后不会产生异常反应的CAR NK细胞疗法,并因此获得了成熟的ACT平台。 2017年6...
At MD Anderson, NK cells are isolated from donated umbilical cord blood and genetically engineered to express the desired CAR, which recognizes cancer-specific targets. The CAR NK cells also are 'armored' with IL-15, an immune signaling molecule that is designed to enhance proliferation and ...
Researchers from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have reported promising results in a Phase I/II trial of 37 patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell malignancies who were treated with cord blood-derived chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) natural killer (NK) cell therapy targeting...
According to results from a Phase I/IIa trial at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, treatment with cord blood-derived chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) natural killer (NK)-cell therapy targeting CD19 resulted in clinical responses in a majo
Safety, efficacy and determinants of response of allogeneic CD19-specific CAR-NK cells in CD19+ B cell tumors: a phase 1/2 trial. Nat Med. 2024;30:772–84. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-023-02785-8. Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Liu E, Marin D, ...
The principles established in CAR-NK cell therapy for systemic lymphomas could be adapted for CNSL [74, 75]. Conclusions This work provides a comprehensive overview of CAR T-cell therapy in CNSL. Evidence suggests that this approach is both feasible and effective, with toxicity comparable to ...
John P. Leonard, MD:Matt, I want to ask you your take on this agent. We just talked about CAR [chimeric antigen receptor] T cell data with and we’ll come back to whatever comparisons we can draw. How does this compare with either lenalidomide alone or anti-CD20 alone? Are these pat...