Diphtheria toxin depletes CD11c-DTR mice of CD11c+ cells.Frida HenningssonZhoujie DingJoakim S. DahlinMarius LinkeviciusFredrik CarlssonKjellOlov GrönvikJenny HallgrenBirgitta Heyman
Conclusions: CD11c‐DTR+ mice are a valid model to study neuroimmune interactions. DT has no effects on pain behaviour or NTI activity of animals lacking the DT receptor. The changes in tearing appear to be consequence of the subconjunctival injection process per se. Reference PID2020‐115934RB...
We found that depletion of CD11c(+) cells from CD11c.DTR mice induced the expansion of a variant CD64(+) Ly6C(+) monocyte population in the spleen and blood that was distinct from conventional monocytes. Expansion of CD64(+) Ly6C(+) monocytes was independent of mobilization from the bone ...
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