还是使用CCDS记录文件吧,CCDS 数据库旨在确定一组核心的人类和小鼠蛋白质编码区域,这些区域具有一致的注释和高质量。人类数据更新到了2018 年 ,包括了 33397 个 CCDS IDs,共 19033 个 Gene 。 在数据库:ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/CCDS/ 可以下载,然后需要在Linux或者Mac环境下面使用 bedtools 软件加...
还是使用CCDS记录文件吧,CCDS数据库旨在确定一组核心的人类和小鼠蛋白质编码区域,这些区域具有一致的注释和高质量。人类数据更新到了2018 年 ,包括了 33397 个 CCDS IDs,共 19033 个 Gene 。 在数据库:ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/CCDS/ 可以下载,然后需要在Linux或者Mac环境下面使用 bedtools 软件加上...
GJB6:ENST00000400065.3:wholegene,CRYL1:ENST00000382812.1:wholegene,GJB6:ENST00000356192.6:wholegene,GJB6:ENST00000400066.3:wholegene, 13 20797176 21105944 0 - comments: a 342kb deletion encompassing GJB6, associated with hearing loss
The consensus coding sequence (CCDS) project: Identifying a common protein-coding gene set for the human and mouse genomes.Effective use of the human and mouse genomes requires reliable identification of genes and their products. Although multiple public resources provide annotation, different methods ...
cat CCDS.20180614.txt |perl -alne '{/\[(.*?)\]/;next unless $1;$gene=$F[2];$exons=$1;$exons=~s/\s//g;$exons=~s/-/\t/g;print "$F[0]\t$_\t$gene" foreach split/,/,$exons;}'|sort -u |bedtools sort -i >exon_probe.hg38.gene.bed ...
grep -w Public CCDS.20191024.txt |perl -alne'{/\[(.*?)\]/;next unless $1;$gene=$F[2];$exons=$1;$exons=~s/\s//g;$exons=~s/-/\t/g;print "$F[0]\t$_\t$gene" foreach split/,/,$exons;}'|sort -u |bedtools sort -i >mm10.exon ...
CCDS Release 24 includes a total of 35,608 CCDS IDs that correspond to 19,107 GeneIDs, with 48,062 protein sequences from NCBI and 47,762 from Ensembl. See the Releases & Statistics report for details. 二、讨论 2.2 下载链接 https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/CCDS/current_human/ 2.1...
The consensus coding sequence (CCDS) project: Identifying a common protein-coding gene set for the human and mouse genomes (vol 19, pg 1316, 2009) Manually curated gene models will be incorporated into the Ensembl and Consensus Coding Sequence (CCDS) reference sets. Elucidation of the genomic...
The Consensus CDS (CCDS) project is a collaborative effort to identify a core set of human and mouse protein coding regions that are consistently annotated and of high quality. The long-term goal is to support convergence toward a standard set of gene annotations.consensus;www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...