From the sense, causative verbs often form a "let sb to do sth". Similar to the meaning of the command form in japanese. Example 1 is the meaning of "mother let the child go home". Example 2 is "the teachers of the sports club train the children strictly." D contains a me...
The Meaning and the Usage of Japanese Causative-Passive直子 前田ナオコ マエダNaoko Maeda
If this verb is a genuine causative, then the verb stem mek should render the meaning “to be fed.” However, the verb mek does not have such a meaning. Of course, the sentence in (15b) is acceptable in the reading: “Two dogs eat,” but it is unacceptable under the intended ...
(iv) Equipollent Japanese: atum-aru‘gather (intransitive)’ atum-eru‘gather (transitive)’ (v) Suppletive Russian: goret’‘burn (intransitive)’ žeč‘burn (transitive)’ Besides crosslinguistic variation, the CAA also often involves variation within a single language. In French, the cau...
the trombiculid mite . The tsutsugamushi disease of Japan and scrub typhus were confirmed to be same disease through studies in laboratory animals (Philip1948). It has been known by many other descriptive and colloquial names, such as tropical typhus, mite bite fever , Japanese river fever , ...
(11) a. Given a choice, when expressing the same meaning, do English users have a tendency to use transitive expressions? Do Japanese users have a tendency to use intransitive expressions? b. Given a choice, when using ergative verbs (verbs that have the same morphological form in the...
constructions include sa-insertion more than others, and the role sa-insertion plays in the overall historical development of the Japanese language.; The hypothesis for the insertion phenomena is that they are emerging as a form of intensifier to compensate for an "insufficiency" in meaning. For...
This construction is derived from an Old Chinese construction, where奈何 on its own means ‘what can we do’, and when included in negative constructions with two arguments, the meaning is similar to the Cantonese CRC. The potential form was not yet developed in Old Chinese, and the negation...
We use the word construction in the CxG sense of any conventional form‑meaning pairing (Croft 2007) and remain equivocal on whether the two verbal elements form a word, un‑ like terms such as resultative compound. Moreover, unlike terms such as secondary predicate, complement or satellite...