日语动词被动形,使役形,命令形,意志形(The Japanese verb passive, causative form, order form, will form) 日语动词被动形,使役形,命令形,意志形(The Japanese verb passive, causative form, order form, will form) Passive verbs, causative form, order form, will form The form of a verb passive form...
日语动词被动形,使役形,命令形,意志形(TheJapaneseverb passive,causativeform,orderform,willform) Passiveverbs,causativeform,orderform,willform Theformofaverbpassiveform: 1.basicform Aclassofverbs,actuallyliveinterms TwotypesofverbstoRAinterms Threetypesofverbstonationalinterms 2.~masuform Aclassofverbs,...
日语动词被动形,使役形,命令形,意志形(The Japanese verb passive, causative form, order form, will form) 日语动词被动形,使役形,命令形,意志形(The Japanese verb passive, causative form, order form, will form) Passive verbs, causative form, order form, will form The form of a verb passive ...
The Meaning and the Usage of Japanese Causative-Passive直子 前田ナオコ マエダNaoko Maeda
Continuity of Japanese Passive and Causative Expressions : As seen in Chinese Translation 劉 志偉 日中言語対照研究論集 = Comparative studies in Japanese an... 劉,志偉 - 日中言語対照研究論集 = Comparative studies in Japanese and Chinese 被引量: 0发表: 2013年 Different origins of bird and re...
英語・分かりやすい日本語どちらでもいいです。 I still don't really how to use causative and causative passive (in Japanese), so could you please explain. English or easy Japanese are both fine. makik0 14 lug 2017 Giapponese 私は妹に部屋の掃除をさせました。(使役) ...
In the Japanese language, voice is a grammatical term used to express the different functions of verbs, viz,causative, passive, possibility, spongeneity etc. 在日语中,表达动作的使役、被动、可能、自发等意义的语法范畴叫做语态(,voice),语态决定着句子的结构。
In this connection, the subject of passives has no control over the passive event because he/she is merely a patient. Thus, it is natural that passives are denoted with -Cii as well as causatives where the subject of the whole sentence has a very low degree of agentivity. This fact ...
We developed a new method of machine learning for converting Japanese case-marking particles when converting Japanese passive/causative sentences into active sentences. Our method has an accuracy rate of 89.06% for normal supervised learning. We also developed a new method of using the results of ...
0This dissertation explores the syntactic and semantic properties of passives, affectives, and causatives in Japanese. It is argued that although passives and affectives are expressed by using {dollar}rare{dollar}, the {dollar}rare{dollar}s that are employed in the two constructions should be ...